ICO Preparatory Series 2018

ICO Prep
What is ICO preparatory Series 2018?

This is a series of preparatory contests for the upcoming ZCO/ZIO and INOI. It will consist of short fun unrated contests which will be aimed for school students for preparation for the ZCO/ZIO and INOI. Nevertheless, it will also be beneficial for college students. The contests are unrated. We are doing this series for the educational benefit for both the problem setters and the IOI aspirants.

Details about the Contests
  • Contest will take place every alternate friday starting from 13th of October.
  • Each contest will consist of 4 problems.
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Scoring system: Scoring style(Just like in the IOI and Codechef Long Challenges)
  • Difficulty will range from ZCO level to INOI level. That is equivalent to easy-medium in codechef terms.
  • Subtask difficulty ranges will be from cakewalk to medium, ensuring that everyone is engrossed for 3 intense hours.
Problem setters
  1. Istasis ista2000 Mishra
  2. Udit mathecodician Sanghi
  3. Shashwat harrycoda Goel
  4. Tanavya sinbycos Dimri
  5. Rajarshi rajarshi_basu Basu
  6. Vatsal vatsalsharma_3 Sharma
  7. Swetanjal swetanjal Datta and
  8. Yogesh yogesh01 Aggarwal
  9. Adhyyan adhyyan1252 Sekhsaria
  • 5 random students of each ICO Preparatory Contest will get their ICO exam fees reimbursed.
  • If you haven't registered for Indian Computing Olympiad already, register here: bit.ly/icoregister
  • The fees will be reimbursed for only one of the exam even if you have registered for both ZIO and ZCO.
  • The names will be announced after each contest on this page.
Contest Date Contest start time Contest end time Contest link Discuss Announcement link
Friday, 13th October, 2017 20:00 hrs IST 23:00 hrs IST ICOP1801 Discuss Link
Friday, 27th October, 2017 19:00 hrs IST 00:00 hrs IST ICOP1802 Discuss Link
Friday, 10th November, 2017 20:00 hrs IST 23:00 hrs IST ICOP1803 Discuss Link
Monday, 20th November, 2017 18:00 hrs IST 21:00 hrs IST ICOP1804 Discuss Link
Friday, 15th December, 2017 20:00 hrs IST 20:00 hrs IST ICOP1805 Discuss Link
Thursday, 4th January, 2018 19:30 hrs IST 22:30 hrs IST ICOP1806 Discuss Link

You can ask for help regarding problems and discuss problems in the discuss threads for each announcement.

  1. Contest 1 - 13th October, 2017
Name CodeChef username
Agniva Basak agniva_basak
Mohammad Zaid sir_zaid02
Archit Boobna architb12
Druhin Lamba druh
Shashwat Chandra shashwatchandr


  1. Contest 2 - 27th October, 2017
Name CodeChef username
Shiven Sinha shivensinha4
Ishpreet Singh Bhasin ish_101
Arnav Roy Chowdhury arnav_roy
Jagreet Das Gupta jagreetdg
Kulesh Vandan k1s6313


  1. Contest 3 - 11th November, 2017
Name CodeChef username
Kunal Jain kjain1810
Vaibhav code_taster
Naman singh kunwarpreet281
Hemant Panwar hp1999
Viswesh Krishna visweshk


  1. Contest 4 - 20th November, 2017
Name CodeChef username
Aahan Sharma mkd63
Sarthak Mangla sarthakmangla
Jayesh Vasudeva jayesh_vasudev
Vatsal Sharma vatsalsharma_3
Surya Aggarwal surya1999


  1. Contest 5 - 15th December, 2017
  2. Due to lack of participation, no prizes are being given out for this contest.

  1. Contest 6 - 4th January, 2018
Name CodeChef username
Pranav Kirsur pranav_kirsur
S Jeeva jeeva2812
Nithish wolfshadow
Anay Karnik karnikanay
Tanmay Mandal tanmay121


Above selected students are requested to fill the following form to provide us your account details to provide reimbursement: https://goo.gl/forms/BWw4vsK9PgZMX4532

Hope you have a great time solving problems in the contests. :)