Mario Ynocente Castro
- 6★MarioYC
- Professional
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Contests (72)
November 2010 Challenge
Randomly Testing Circuits, Bombing, Chefs Bad Day
The November CookOff
N Knights Problem, One Dimensional Game of Life, Cutting Recipes
December 2010 Challenge
A String Game
January 2011 Challenge
Chess Pushing Game, Flu Shot Lineup, Count Relations
The January 2011 Cook-Off
Holes in the text
February 2011 Contest
Bogosort, Glass Measurement, Coloring Colorable Graphs
April Long Contest
Gravel, Number Game Revisited, Rectangles Counting
May Long Contest 2011
Tree Product, The Great Wall of Byteland
May Cook-off 2011
Popular Rice Recipe, Socializing Game around Pizza, Distribute idlis Equally
June Long Contest 2011
Maximal Score Path, Chef Teams
June Cook-off
Correctness of Knight Move
August Cook-off 2011
Vote for the Noodle Soup, Open the Dragon Scroll, Rotate the String
September Cook-off
Last Digit Sum, Digit Rotation, Hotel Bytelandia
October Cook-off
Generalized Arithmetic Progression Free Sequence, Chef Travel Routes
November Long Contest 2011
Chefs new Pet
December 2011 Long Contest
Birthday Gift, Robot Movings
February 2012 Challenge
Lucky Count, Lucky Long, Word Couting, Count of Maximum
May Challenge 2012
Digits Forest, Killing Gs, Little Elephant and Median, Jewels and Stones, Lucky lucky number, Divisible Pairs, Remember the recipe, Little Elephant and Boxes, A Home for Chef
June Challenge 2012
Closest Points, Polynomial Partition Function, Little Elephant and Product, Little Elephant and Candies, Magic Hull, Doom Bakes Cakes, Arranging Cup-cakes
June Cook-Off 2012
Closing the Tweets, Connecting Soldiers
July Challenge 2012
Dynamic GCD, Favourite Numbers, Chef's Dream, My Fair Coins, The Gray-Similar Code, Little Elephant and Bubble Sort, Gift Rift, Restaurant Rating, Equivalent Suffix Tries, Addition chains
August Challenge 2012
Little Elephant and Bombs, Lucky Driving, Game Count, Range of Data, Delivery Boy, Machine Gun
September Challenge 2012
Simultaneous Nim, Lights, Kisses & Hugs, Chef World, Racing Horses, Queries About Numbers, ChefTown Parade, Three is Crowd
October Challenge 2012
Little Elephant and Order, Fierce Battles, Event Organizer, Maximum Sub-rectangle in Matrix, The New Scheme, Need More Diamonds
November Challenge 2012
Lucky Balance, A Wonderful Chocolate, Delicious Dishes, Candy Collecting Game, Coin Flip, Jam Board, Many Left, Sridhar Likes Travelling, Arithmetic Progressions
November Cook-Off 2012
Little Elephant and Permutations, Little Elephant and Divisors
December Cook-Off 2012
Packaging Cupcakes, Reversing directions
January Challenge 2013
Little Elephant and Alcohol, Dividing Products, The Minimum Number Of Moves, End Of The World, Chef of the Year, Three Different Numbers
January Cook-Off 2013
Minimum Distance, Many Chefs
February 2013 Challenge
Little Elephant and Cards, Buy1-Get1, Magic Board, Climbing Stairs, Word Play
March Cook-off 2013
The Ball And Cups, Palindrome, Level Of Difference
April Challenge 2013
Little Elephant and Music, Barcelona Gameplay Tactics, ChefGame, Kingdom Unity, Maximum Weight Difference, Levy Conjecture
April Cook-Off 2013
Andrew and the Birthday, Andrew and the Meatballs, Andrew and the Strings, Andrew and the Meatballs again
May Challenge 2013
Matchsticks, Witua and Math, Name Reduction, Your Name is Mine
June Challenge 2013
Little Elephant and Mouses, Collecting Magical Berries, Just Some Permutations 3, Dessert Wizard, Two k-Convex Polygons, Predictopus, W String, Lapindromes
May Cook-off 2013
Subtraction Game 1, Subtraction Game 2, Sequence Transmission
Lunch Time June 2013
Online Shopping, Number of Factors
August Challenge 2013
Little Elephant and Lemonade, Save The Princess, The Number Of Solutions, Chef and Segments, Sereja and Ballons, Splitting Candies
October Cook-Off 2013
Polo the Penguin and the Lucky String, Polo the Penguin and the Numbers, Polo the Penguin and the Test, Polo the Penguin and the XOR, Polo the Penguin and the Tree
October Lunchtime 2013
Girl Friend and String Gift, Combinatorial Numbers, Exponential Game, Chefs in Queue
November Challenge 2013
Superpowers of 2, Yet Another Cute Girl, Sereja and Vectors, Uncle Johny, Square Digit Squares, Missing some chairs
November Cook-off 2013
Am I a Fibonacci Number, Lowest Sum, Number of Paths, Rank of the Number
December Challenge 2013
Lucy and the Flowers, Cube Cakes, Chef and Codes, Funny Marbles, Magic Pairs, Reign, Rectangular Queries
January Challenge 2014
Magic Trick, Sereja and Graph, Meteor, Bon Appetit, Please like me, Chef and Feedback
May Cook-Off 2014
Book Game with Chef, Divide the Cake, Ups and Downs
July Cook-Off 2014
Copy-Paste, Sum Queries
September Cook-Off 2014, ACM-ICPC Warm up
Sherlock and the Grid, Subarray GCD, Subarray LCM, World War 2
November Cook-Off 2014
Covering Sets, Lost Graph, Most Distant Points, Brackets, Petersen Graph
March Challenge 2014
Team Split, Binary Tournament, Walk, Maximum number, GCD condition, Little Chef and Numbers, Mike and Stamps, A Story with Strings
April Challenge 2014
Counting Matrices, Farmer Feb, Cards, bags and coins, Chef and Digits, Divide the Tangerine, Shortest Path in Binary Trees
May Challenge 2014
Compilers and Parsers, Chef-jumping, Chef and Strange Matrix, Stone
June Challenge 2014
Maxim and Progressions, Chef and Functions, Chef and Digit Jumps, Chef and Subarray, Guessing Game, Forgot Password
July Challenge 2014
Little Elephant and Painting, Garden Game, Chef and Frogs, Sereja and Equality, Chef and Rectangle Genome, Count Substrings, Reach The Point, Dish Owner, Game of Numbers
August Challenge 2014
Mountain Holidays 2, Little Elephant and T-Shirts, Chef and Reversing, The Leaking Robot, Earthquake, Cleaning Tables, Chef and Gift
September Challenge 2014
Sereja and Bubble Sort, Chef and Rainbow Array - 2, Chef and Swaps, Chef and Left-Right, Chef and sequence, Fun with Rotation, Flooring
October Challenge 2014
Remy paints the fence, Sereja and two strings, Chef and Ground, Chef and Square, Magical Girl and Colored Liquid Potions, DevuLand, Dinosaurs and Laddus
November Challenge 2014
Chef and Segment Game, Chef and Words, Fombinatorial, Sereja and Permutations, Distinct Characters Subsequence, Chef and Red Black Tree, Let us construct palindrome, Chef and Churu
July Lunchtime 2014
And Operation, Shift The String, Lowest Common Ancestor, Simple Editor
November Lunchtime 2014
A wolf, a sheep and cabbage
January Challenge 2015
Queries on the String, Chef and A Large Permutation, Chef and Stones, Sereja and Votes, One Dimensional Kingdoms, Gcd Queries
January Lunchtime 2015
Piece of cake, Candidate walk, Just multiply
February Challenge 2015
Chef and Chain, Time to Study Graphs with Chef, Chef and Strange Formula, Chef and Strings, Let us play with rank list, Chef and Equality
May Challenge 2015
Devu and his three Hands, Devu and binary String, Chef and Prime Divisors, Set Difference , Chef and new recipe, Chef and Cake
June Challenge 2015
Sereja and Matrix Division, Steady tables, Chef and His Friend, Chef and Memory Limit, Chef and Polygons, Anticommutative implication, Chef and String
July Challenge 2015
Addition and Multiplication, Bread, MasterChef, Na2a and lucky stone, Chef and Cube
February Cook-Off 2015
Parenthesis with Maximum Sum Subarray, Fit Squares in Triangle, Strategy for the World Cup
April Cook-Off 2015
Equality, Version Control System
February Lunchtime 2015
Lucky Four, Heavy-light Decompositions, The Warehouse, The First Cube
May Lunchtime 2015
Devu and Grapes, Devu and Manhattan Distance, Number of Ways
May Challenge 2016
Sereja and GCD 2, Chef and Balls, Forest Gathering, Chef and Amazingness of Numbers, Chef and Big Soccer, Laddu, Roads in Stars
June Challenge 2016
Chef And The Hiring Event, Chef and Rectangle Array, Chef and Array and K, Chef And Binary Operation, Chef and Coins Game, Chef and cities, Devu and an Array
July Challenge 2019 Division 1
Circular Merging