Akshay Rajput
- 4★aksraj_03
- Student
- Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
- No Active Plan. View Details
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Ratings System Update
(2025-01-15 22:00:02)Ratings System Update
(2022-12-20 00:00:00)Learning Paths (0)
Practice Paths (1)
Contests (71)
Starters 70 Division 4 (Rated)
Kitchen Timings, Spice Level, Cost of Groceries
December Long 2022 Division 4 (Rated)
Good Investment or Not
Starters 72 Division 4 (Rated)
Indivisible, Apples and oranges, Sum it
Starters 73 Division 4 (Rated)
Chef Plays Ludo, Multivitamin Tablets, Lucky Numbers
Starters 74 Division 4 (Rated)
Mana Points
Starters 75 Division 4 (Rated)
Two Ranges, Saving Taxes, Profit Increment
February Cook-Off 2023 Division 4 (Rated)
Battery Health, Permutation and Modulus, Netflix
Starters 77 Division 4 (Rated)
Tekken, Tom and Jerry Chase, Codechef Airlines
Starters 78 Division 4 (Rated)
Passing Marks, Candy Store, Good Turn
Starters 79 Division 4 (Rated)
One Stone or Two Stones, Distinct Opposite Sums, Better Deal, Ageing
Starters 80 Division 4 (Rated)
Prefix Permutation, Just One More Episode, Single-use Attack, Running Comparison, Equal Elements
Starters 81 Division 4 (Unrated)
Sunny Day
Starters 82 Division 4 (Rated)
Reach Home, MIN To MAX, Candy Division
Starters 84 Division 4 (Rated)
Chef and Donation, Max Binary, Melt Gold
Starters 85 Division 4 (Rated)
Efficient PAN Linking, Inside The Stadium, IPL Ticket Rush, Can Chef
Starters 86 Division 4 (Rated)
Cricket Match, Chef and Battery , CodeChef Learn Problem Solving
Starters 83 Division 4 (Rated)
Chef Eren, Budget of Technex, Couple Game
Starters 88 Division 4 (Rated)
Masterchef finals, Online or Offline, Largest and Second Largest
Starters 92 Division 4 (Rated)
Rectangular Tiling, Water Filling, Oneful Pairs
Starters 94 Division 4 (Rated)
The Gift, Gymkhana Election IIIT-A, CodeChef Streak, The Vowel Matrix
Starters 95 Division 4 (Rated)
Donation Drive, Donation Rewards, Transfusion Chain, EVacuate to Moon
Starters 96 Division 3 (Rated)
Remove Multiples, Bells of Pilgrimage, Weeding
Starters 102 Division 3 (Rated)
Selling Insurance, Chef and Stocks
Starters 103 Division 3 (Rated)
Sunday Brunch, Dice Number
Starters 104 Division 3 (Rated)
Maximise Sum, Santa and Chocolates, Pizza Cutting, GCD and LCM
Starters 105 Division 3 (Rated)
Dracula Eats, Take it Easy, Dull Operation
Starters 106 Division 3 (Rated)
Chef Fantasy 11, Playing with OR, Save People, Guess the winner!
Starters 107 Division 3 (Rated)
Maximal Expression, Rock Paper Scissor, Pending Assignments, OR Permutation
Starters 109 Division 3 (Rated)
Minimum XOR, Best of N Sets, Worth of a Video
Starters 110 Divison 3 (Rated)
Water Park, Airlines, Marbles, Am I Lucky!
Starters 111 Divison 3 (Rated)
Prefixing, Beautiful Strings, Reach Codetown, Exams
Starters 112 Division 2 (Rated)
Cursed Indices, 3 Logicians Walk into a Bar, Permutation Construction, Max Nutrition
Starters 113 Division 2 (Rated)
Minimise Maximum Subarray Sum, Maximum Score , Sum Neq
Starters 115 Division 2 (Rated)
Greedy LIS Algorithm, A PLUS B Remastered, Decorating Christmas Tree
Starters 116 Division 2 (Rated)
ORST , Access Control
Starters 117 Division 2 (Rated)
Not Prime Permutation, Spell Shortening
Starters 118 Division 2 (Rated)
Subset GCD, Join States, Xorry 1
Starters 119 Division 3 (Rated)
Judged, Cookie Day, Another Good String , K Odd Sum
Starters 120 Division 2 (Rated)
Count Subarrays, Sub or Swp
Starters 121 Division 2 (Rated)
Frequal, Caesar Cipher Lite, Anti Adjacent Swaps
Starters 122 Division 2 (Rated)
Arya In Grid, Transformation Cost, Man of the Match
Starters 123 Division 2 (Rated)
Maximise Adjacent Sum, Check Adjacent Sum, Minimum And Maximum I, Yet Another Alice Bob Game, Minimum And Maximum II
Starters 124 Division 3 (Rated)
Binary Parity, Table Strength, Swap and Unite, Make It One, Cricket Tournament
Starters 125 Division 3 (Rated)
Bucket Game, 50-50 Rule, Fake Certificate, Binary Minimal
Starters 126 Division 3 (Rated)
Dice Game 3, Freedom, Sale, Permutation Disturbance
Starters 127 Division 2
Superincreasing, Anti-Triangle
Starters 129 Division 2 (Rated)
Ballon d Or
Starters 130 Division 3 (Rated)
Make Equal, Alternating Binary String, Swapping Marks Digits, Good Binary String
Starters 134 Division 2 (Rated)
Origin, Rock Paper Scissors
Starters 136 Division 2 ( Rated )
My First Geometry Problem
Starters 141 Division 2 (Rated)
Redundant Array, Amphibian Escape
Starters 142 Division 2 (Rated)
Chef loves Pizza Chef loves halfs, Array Removal, Number Hunt
Starters 144 Division 2 (Rated)
Budget Allotment, Largest K
Starters 145 Division 2 (Rated)
Make Bob Win , Make My Array Equal
Starters 146 Division 2 (Rated till 5 stars)
Bouncing Ball, Permutation Construction, Knockout tournament
Starters 147 Division 2 (Rated till 5 stars)
Truth Teller And Liars 101, Independence Day 101, Non-Primes 101, Gold Coins 101
Starters 148 Division 2 (Rated)
Starters 149 (Rated)
Easy Subarray Sum, Maximise Sum, Chef Loves Beautiful Strings (Easy Version)
Starters 150 (Rated)
Find Multiset State, Equal Pairs (Easy)
Starters 151 (rated)
Convert string
Starters 152 (Rated)
Maximize Hamming Distance, Anti-Palindrome Queries, Range Minimize
Starters 153 (Rated)
Butterfly, Another Game, Colorful Tree (Easy Version), Xometry (Easy Version)
Starters 154 (Rated)
GCD and XOR, Add 1 or 2 Game
Starters 155 (Rated)
GCD to 1 (Easy), GCD to 1 (Hard), Replace With First, Prefix Suffix Min Max
Starters 156 (Rated)
Count Triplets, Balance Difficulties, Partition Score, Even Numbers Hate
Starters 157 (Rated)
Small, Smaller, Smallest, Unmedian, Not-too-far Replacement
Starters 158 (Rated)
Largest Subsequence, XOR Smaller
Starters 159 (Rated)
Super Hero, Chess Colouring, Elections
Starters 166 (Rated)
Distinct Power, Chefland Library
Starters 167 (Rated)
Temperature Balance, Lottery Tickets, Delete Not Equal, Grid Construction (Even), Grid Construction (Odd)
Starters 168 (Rated)
No Two Alike, Binary Removals, Make Odd
Starters 169 (Rated)
Constant Subsequence, Hamming equivalent, Make K Most Frequent