Arkanath Pathak
- 5★arkanath
- Student
- Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur West Bengal, India
- No Active Plan. View Details
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Contests (16)
June Challenge 2013
Dessert Wizard, Predictopus, W String, Lapindromes, Little Elephant and Mouses
June Cook-Off 2013
Attic Crossing
July Challenge 2013
The Probability Of Winning, Chef and Walking on the rectangle
August Lunchtime 2013
Pairwise AND sum
September Challenge 2013
CAO Stage-1, CAO Stage-2, Project Spoon, Chef and Integers , Cool Guys, Little Elephant and Exams
October Cook-Off 2013
Polo the Penguin and the Numbers, Polo the Penguin and the Test
October Challenge 2013
Little Elephant and Bamboo, Helping Lira, Maxim and Dividers, Sereja and Transformation, Yet Another Nice Girl
December Challenge 2013
Reign, Rectangular Queries, Magic Pairs, Funny Marbles, Cube Cakes, Art in Digital Age, Lucy and the Flowers, Chef and Codes
January Challenge 2014
Magic Trick, Sereja and Graph, Bon Appetit, Please like me, Chef and Feedback
June Cook-Off 2014
Counting Flags, Knapsack Problem, Painting
July Cook-Off 2014
Copy-Paste, Sum Queries
October Cook-Off 2014
The Army, Mahesh and his lost array, Walk on the Axis, The Dirty Path
March Challenge 2014
Sereja and Sorting 2, Team Split, Binary Tournament, Walk, Maximum number, GCD condition, Little Chef and Numbers, Mike and Stamps, A Story with Strings
May Lunchtime 2014
Approximately II
June Cook-Off 2015
Ankit, Srijan and a game of stone piles, Longest non regular parentheses sub-sequence, Strange operations
May Lunchtime 2015
Devu and Grapes