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- 6★boochman
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- Freelancer
- No Active Plan. View Details
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(2016-07-13 15:00:00)Ratings System Update
(2022-12-20 00:00:00)Learning Paths (0)
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Contests (16)
June Challenge 2013
Collecting Magical Berries, Just Some Permutations 3, Dessert Wizard, Predictopus, W String, Lapindromes, Little Elephant and Mouses
May Cook-off 2013
Subtraction Game 1
June Cook-Off 2013
Attic Crossing, Lyra and the Alethiometer
July Challenge 2013
Galactik Football, Circle of death, Sereja and Sorting, Count K-Primes, Chef and Walking on the rectangle , Furik and Rubik and Sub Array, The Probability Of Winning, Mountain Holidays
August Challenge 2013
The Number Of Solutions, Splitting Candies, Prime Distance On Tree, Deleting numbers, Sereja and Ballons, Chef and Segments, Little Elephant and Lemonade, Music & Lyrics, Hello Hello, Save The Princess
August Cook-Off 2013
Chef and The Right Triangles
August Lunchtime 2013
September Challenge 2013
Little Elephant and Exams, Merciless Chef, Cool Guys, Chef and Integers , Project Spoon, CAO Stage-1, CAO Stage-2, Sereja and Snake
September Cook-Off 2013
Strange Matrix, Code
October Challenge 2013
Yet Another Nice Girl, CAO Stage-3, Kamehameha, Edit Distance on Grid, Maxim and Dividers, Sereja and Transformation, Little Elephant and Bamboo, Helping Lira
November Challenge 2013
Chef Game, Superpowers of 2, Yet Another Cute Girl, Sereja and Vectors, Uncle Johny, Square Digit Squares, Missing some chairs
March Challenge 2014
Binary Tournament, A Story with Strings, Mike and Stamps, Little Chef and Numbers, The Street , Maximum number, GCD condition, Walk, Team Split, Sereja and Sorting 2
April Challenge 2014
Shortest Path in Binary Trees, Divide the Tangerine, Chef and Digits, Farmer Feb, Counting Matrices, Sereja and Permutation, Cards, bags and coins
January Challenge 2015
Gcd Queries, Ranka, One Dimensional Kingdoms, Sereja and Votes, Sereja and LCM, Chef and A Large Permutation, Sereja and Number Division 2, Queries on the String, Chef and Stones
January Cook-Off 2015
Suraj goes shopping, Tojo hates probabilities
January Lunchtime 2015
Candidate walk, Just multiply, Piece of cake
July Challenge 2016
Andrash and Stipendium, Chef and Segments, Chef and Tetris, Chef and special numbers, Chef and Robots Competition, Chefland and Electricity, Scheduling jobs on a cluster