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Chirag Jain
- 5★chiragjn
- Professional
- Jio Haptik Technologies Limited
- No Active Plan. View Details
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(2022-12-20 00:00:00)Learning Paths (0)
Practice Paths (1)
Contests (54)
May Cook-Off 2014
Divide the Cake, Ups and Downs
June Cook-Off 2014
Counting Flags
July Cook-Off 2014
Copy-Paste, Sum Queries
September Cook-Off 2014, ACM-ICPC Warm up
Subarray GCD
October Cook-Off 2014
The Army, Walk on the Axis
December Cook-Off 2014
Good Joke!
April Challenge 2014
Farmer Feb
May Challenge 2014
Chef-jumping, Stone
June Challenge 2014
Chef and Digit Jumps, Chef and Subarray, Guessing Game, Forgot Password
July Challenge 2014
Count Substrings, Reach The Point
August Challenge 2014
The Leaking Robot, Chef and Gift
September Challenge 2014
Chef and Rainbow Array - 2, Chef and Left-Right, Fun with Rotation
October Challenge 2014
Remy paints the fence, Chef and Ground, Magical Girl and Colored Liquid Potions, DevuLand, Dinosaurs and Laddus
November Challenge 2014
Chef and Segment Game, Distinct Characters Subsequence, Chef and Red Black Tree, Let us construct palindrome
December Challenge 2014
Chef and Apple Trees
January Challenge 2015
Chef and Stones
January Cook-Off 2015
Suraj goes shopping
February Challenge 2015
Chef and Chain, Chef and Strange Formula, Chef and Strings, Let us play with rank list, Chef and Equality
March Challenge 2015
Chef and Notebooks, Devu and his Class, Sign Wave
April Challenge 2015
Chef and Interview, Broken Telephone, Chef and Piano Scales
June Challenge 2015
Chef and Memory Limit, Chef and Polygons
July Challenge 2015
Bread, Na2a and lucky stone, Chef and Cube
August Challenge 2015
Way Out, Gravity Guy, Devu And Churu , Cooking Machine, Aditi and Magic Trick, Chef and insomnia
September Challenge 2015
Chain of Doughnuts, Nikitosh and xor, Count Steps in Matrix, Bank robbery, Lighthouses, Cracking the Code
October Challenge 2015
Time measure, Count Subarrays, Who dares to be a millionaire, Spheres, Rupsa and Equilateral Triangle
November Challenge 2015
Simple Sum
December Challenge 2015
Chef and the stones, Plane Division, Oracle Devu and Longest Common Subsequence, Chef and Filters
April Cook-Off 2015
Equality, Version Control System
May Cook-Off 2015
Devu and friendship testing, Devu and decorating birthday cake
June Cook-Off 2015
Strange operations
July Cook-Off 2015
Cops and the Thief Devu, Maximize Disjoint Pair Sum
August Cook-Off 2015
Chef and the XORed Number , Chef and the Wildcard Matching
September Mega Cook-Off 2015
Forgotten Language, Stacks
November Cook-Off 2015
Sereja and Line, Sereja and Array and Subtracting
February Challenge 2016
Sereja and Two Lines, Chef and Strange Operations, Devu and a light discussion, Rectangles of Love, Chef-Detective
March Challenge 2016
Palindromic substrings, maximize the sum, Chef And Special Dishes
April Challenge 2016
Help Watson Escape, Fibonacci Queries, Chef and Ballons, Chef And Magical Path, Chef And Coloring
May Challenge 2016
Sereja and GCD 2, Chef and math, Chef and Balls, Forest Gathering, Chef and Big Soccer, Laddu
June Challenge 2016
Chef And The Hiring Event, Chef and Rectangle Array, Chef and Array and K, Chef And Binary Operation, Chef and Coins Game, Chef and cities, Devu and an Array
July Challenge 2016
Andrash and Stipendium, Chef and Segments, Chef and Tetris, Chef and Robots Competition, Chefland and Electricity
August Challenge 2016
Chef and Circle Run, Chef and Chocolate, Chef and Round Run
September Challenge 2016
Chef and Friends, Dividing Machine, Chef and Matrix Division, Chef and digits of a number, Faded Palindromes, JosephLand, Chef and calculation
February Cook-Off 2016
Puppy and Catchers, Puppy and Sum
April Cook-Off 2016
Movie Weekend, Odd Divisors
May Cook-Off 2016
June Cook-Off 2016
Sticks, Right Triangle
July Cook-Off 2016
Chef and Proportion, Chef and Numbers
October Lunchtime 2016
The Largest Bouquet
January Cook-Off 2017
Digit Longest Increasing Subsequences 2
May Challenge 2017
Chef and Sub Array , Long Sandwich , Gotham PD, Chef and his daily routine, Courses in an university, Blocked websites, Median of adjacent maximum numbers, Chef and Subsequences
June Challenge 2017
Chef and Prime Queries, Saboteur (Challenge), A Good Set, Cloning, Chef and the Feast, Xenny and Coin Rankings, Triplets, Pairwise union of sets
March Cook-Off 2017
Safe Robot
July Cook-Off 2017
Chang and Bitwise OR, Chang and the Perfect Function
March Lunchtime 2017
Bear and Ladder, Bear and Species
SnackDown 2021 - Online Qualifiers
Lucky Number, Maximum Number Of Distinct Elements
SnackDown 2021 - Online Round 1A
Round Robin Ranks , Dance Moves, Min Max LCM
SnackDown 2021 - Online Round 1B
Queens Placement , Largest Laddu, Help Nishant
SnackDown 2021 - Online Pre-Elimination
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