S Panwar
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- Microsoft
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Contests (26)
November Cook-Off 2014
November Challenge 2014
Chef and Segment Game, The Spelling Problem, Let us construct palindrome, Distinct Characters Subsequence, Chef and Red Black Tree
December Challenge 2014
Alok-nath and His Sanskars, Kali and Devtas, Chef and Apple Trees
January Challenge 2015
Sereja and Number Division 2, Chef and A Large Permutation, Chef and Stones, Sereja and Votes, One Dimensional Kingdoms, Gcd Queries
February Challenge 2015
Chef and Chain, Chef and Equality, Let us play with rank list, Chef and Strings, Chef and Strange Formula
March Challenge 2015
Chef and Notebooks, Devu and his Class, Sign Wave
April Challenge 2015
Count Sequences, Chef and Piano Scales, Division of Lands, Broken Telephone, Chef and Interview, Inversion sorting
August Challenge 2015
Chef and insomnia, Aditi and Magic Trick, Cooking Machine, Gravity Guy, Social Cluster, Way Out
September Challenge 2015
Chain of Doughnuts, Count Steps in Matrix, Bank robbery, Lighthouses, Cracking the Code, Chef and Chetris
October Challenge 2015
Rupsa and Equilateral Triangle, Spheres, Count Subarrays, Time measure, Who dares to be a millionaire
November Challenge 2015
Chef and collection of stamps, Eugene and function, Simple Sum, Chef and cakes
February Cook-Off 2015
Fit Squares in Triangle
July Cook-Off 2015
Cops and the Thief Devu, Maximize Disjoint Pair Sum
September Mega Cook-Off 2015
Forgotten Language
February Lunchtime 2015
Lucky Four
July Lunchtime 2015
Puppy and game, Greedy puppy
October Lunchtime 2015
January Long Challenge 2016
Sereja and Salesman, Chef and Inflation, Rupsa and the Game, Churu and Balls, Chef and Making Triples, Cyclist Race, Chef and Time Machine, Devu and Perfume
April Challenge 2016
Help Watson Escape, Game of snakes on a grid, Chef And Coloring, Chef And Magical Path, Chef and Ballons, Fibonacci Queries, Devu and good strings
May Challenge 2016
Chef and math, Chef and Balls, Forest Gathering, Chef and Big Soccer, Laddu
January Cook-Off 2016
Chef and Fruits, Chef and Destruction
February Cook-Off 2016
Puppy and Catchers, Puppy and Board, Puppy and Sum
March Cook-Off 2016
Digital clock, Dual Nim, Alternating subarray prefix
April Cook-Off 2016
Movie Weekend, Odd Divisors, Queries on a Binary Tree