- 7★cuiaoxiang
- China
- Professional
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(2023-11-15 22:55:02)Ratings System Update
(2022-12-20 00:00:00)Learning Paths (0)
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Contests (44)
April Challenge 2013
Little Elephant and Music, Barcelona Gameplay Tactics, Kingdom Unity, Fault Tolerance, Maximum Weight Difference, Levy Conjecture
March Challenge 2014
Team Split, Binary Tournament, Walk, Little Chef and Numbers, Mike and Stamps
April Challenge 2014
Counting Matrices, Farmer Feb, Chef and Digits, Shortest Path in Binary Trees
May Challenge 2014
Compilers and Parsers, Chef-jumping, Chef and Strange Matrix, Stone
June Challenge 2014
Little Elephant and Blocks, Maxim and Progressions, Chef and Functions, Chef and Digit Jumps, Chef and Subarray, Two Companies, Guessing Game, Forgot Password
July Challenge 2014
Garden Game, Chef and Frogs, Count Substrings, Dish Owner
August Challenge 2014
Chef and Reversing
October Challenge 2014
Remy paints the fence, Chef and Ground, Chef and Square, Magical Girl and Colored Liquid Potions, DevuLand, Dinosaurs and Laddus
November Challenge 2014
Distinct Characters Subsequence
January Challenge 2015
Chef and Stones, Sereja and Votes, Gcd Queries
May Challenge 2015
Devu and binary String, Chef and Prime Divisors, Set Difference , Chef and new recipe, Chef and Cake, Special Economic Zone
January Long Challenge 2016
Rupsa and the Game
February Challenge 2016
Rectangles of Love, Chef-Detective
June Challenge 2016
Chef And The Hiring Event, Chef and Rectangle Array, Chef and Array and K, Chef And Binary Operation, Chef and Coins Game, Chef and cities, Devu and an Array
October Challenge 2016
Chef and Keyboard, Big Queries, Fenwick Iterations, Chef and Three Dogs, Power Sums, Chef and Two String
November Challenge 2016
Count Permutations, Friends Meeting, Urban Development, Gift and Chef, Chef and squares, Task for Alexey
March Challenge 2017
Xenny and Alternating Tasks, Bear and Extra Number
May Challenge 2017
Chef and Sub Array , Long Sandwich , Gotham PD, Chef and his daily routine, Courses in an university, Blocked websites, Median of adjacent maximum numbers, Chef and Subsequences
June Challenge 2017
Chef and Prime Queries, A Good Set, Chef and the Feast, Xenny and Coin Rankings, Triplets, Pairwise union of sets
February Challenge 2018
Broken Clock, Chef And His Characters, Permutation and Palindrome
April Challenge 2018 Division 1
Chef and Array (Challenge), Vaibhav and Ministers, Chef at the Food Fair, Cutting Plants, Highway Crossing, Chef and Same Old Recurrence, Count Good Prefixes, Chef and Same Old Recurrence 2
October Challenge 2018 Division 1
Appy and Balloons , Beautiful Bricks, Chef and Surprise Chessboard
February Challenge 2019 Division 1
Guess It Right, Chef and Secret Ingredients, Xor Decomposition, Art of Balance, Maximize the Tax
September Challenge 2020 Division 1
Ada Matrix
January Lunchtime 2021 Division 2 (Unrated)
Good Grid, Shifting Spoons, Dreams of Divisibility, Binary Subsequence, Even Differences, Even Sum
February Challenge 2021 Division 2
Frog Sort, Team Name, Prime Game, Multiple Games, XOR Sums, Maximise Function
April Challenge 2021 Division 2
Binary String MEX, Worthy Matrix, Chef and Dice
SnackDown 2021 - Online Qualifiers
Lucky Number, Maximum Number Of Distinct Elements
SnackDown 2021 - Online Round 1A
Round Robin Ranks , Dance Moves, Min Max LCM
SnackDown 2021 - Online Round 1B
Queens Placement
February Long 2022 - I, Division 2 (Unrated)
Binary Base Basics, N Queens Puzzle Solved !
September Long 2022 Division 2 (Unrated)
Distinct Numbers, Pokemon Battles, Interesting Subarray, Good Pairs
Starters 56 Division 2 (Rated)
K-Subarrays, Energetic Node(Easy Version), Energetic Node(Hard Version), Palindrome Swaps, Division Sorting, Binary Substitution, Maximize Colours
Starters 63 Division 2 (Rated)
Distinct Neighbours , Maximize 1s, Count Partitions , GCD Sort, One-XOR Deletions, Make Length 1, Minimum Absolute Score, Greedy Grid Moves
Starters 64 Division 1 (Rated till 5-stars)
Luigi and Uniformity, Xor Array, Prime Factor Division, Distinct Neighbours
Starters 66 Division 1 (Rated till 5-stars)
Sorting the Binary String, Good Binary Strings, Palindrome by Splitting, Connect All Cities, Palindrome In Making, Chef and Spice Grid, Minimum value of special tables
Starters 67 Division 1 (Rated till 5-stars)
Maximum Angriness, Musical Rods, Count Number Of Pairs, Existence Of X
Starters 72 Division 1 (Rated till 5-Stars)
N Triplets, Good Sequence, No sequence, XOR Tree
Starters 74 Division 1 (Rated till 6-Stars)
Candies, Maximum Xor Sum, Distinct Values, Power Tree, Lcm hates Gcd, Medicine Strength, Minimal Inversions
February Cook-Off 2023 Division 1 (Rated)
Take Not Less, Alice Potter and OWL, Alice Potter And Dumbledore Army
Starters 77 Division 1 (Rated till 5 Stars)
Yet Another XOR Sort, Sort a String, Concat Palindrome, K Increment Palindrome, Three Numbers
Starters 81 Division 1 (Unrated)
Beautiful Strings, Horde Chess, Unimodal Subsets, Good XOR, Distinct Matrix, Arrange the array, Binary Ternary
Starters 82 Division 1 (Rated till 6 stars)
Mode!, Tree Game, Make Them Alike, Find eX, Difference Matrix
Starters 84 Division 1 (Rated till 6 Stars)
MEX Sequences, SUM OR, Max count of 1, Digit Operation, Chef And Adjacent Sums
Starters 85 Division 1 (Rated till 6 stars)
Crazy Bishops on Chessboard, Efficient PAN Linking, GCD Queries, Bomb Blast, TripTastic
Starters 86 Division 1 (Rated for All)
Least Size, Minimum Operation, String Game , Largest Y
Starters 87 Division 1 (Rated till 6 Stars)
Checkpoint, Inversions of subsequences, AB plus C, One or All
Starters 89 Division 1 (Rated till 5 Stars)
Positive or Negative Subarrays, Subarray Removal
Starters 94 Division 1 (Rated till 5 Stars)
Place The Number, Possible or Not, Search for 404, Special Operation, The Vowel Matrix, Rank Queries
Starters 95 Division 1 (Rated till 6 Stars)
Chef and Moves of GCD, Boxes, Transfusion Chain, Break This Array
Starters 96 Division 1 (Rated till 5 Stars)
Mex Array
Starters 98 Division 1 (Rated till 6 Stars)
3-Blast Palindrome, Happiness , Build Towers, Ball Distribution
Starters 101 Division 1 (Unrated)
Minimize Xor Difference, Split and ADD, Snakes on a Grid, Partially Increasing Array Queries, Warrior Chef
Starters 104 Division 1 (Rated till 6 Stars)
Longest Non Decreasing Subsequence, Lexicographically Largest , Construct An Array, Maximise Sum
Starters 105 Division 1 (Rated till 6 Stars)
Ghoul-icious Goodies, Spooky Sequences, Dull Operation
Starters 106 Division 1 (Rated till 5 Stars)
Playing with OR, Save People, Guess the winner!, Count Possibilities, Smallest Excluded LCM, Reach Anywhere, Summing the values, Is it Obvious
Starters 107 Division 1 (Rated till 6 Stars)
Maximal Expression, Interesting Knapsack, Adjacent Flips, Odd Matrix, OR Permutation
Starters 108 Division 1 (Rated till 6 Stars)
Palindromic Prime Numbers, Fair Distribution, Continuous Subarrays, Multiple of 9, Move Negative Stones
Starters 109 Division 1 (Rated till 5 Stars)
Minimum XOR, Chef Lost an Array, Alter Ego, Rigged Game
Starters 110 Division 1 (Rated till 5-stars)
Marbles, Am I Lucky!, Tom and Jerry, Monsters, Tetris
Starters 111 Division 1 (Rated till 6 Stars)
LCM Mania, Prefixing, Prime Range Game, Beautiful Strings, ODI Cricket, Component Count, Square Count
Starters 120 Division 1 (Rated till 6 Stars)
Find Permutation , Minimum Operations, Construct Permutation, Count Subarrays, Count Arrays
Starters 121 Division 1 (Rated till 6-Stars)
Frequal, Colourful Balls, Split And Maximize, Caesar Cipher Lite, Magic Palindrome
Starters 122 Division 1 (Rated till 6-Stars)
Arya In Grid, Transformation Cost, Matrix Modulo, Cursed, Elf on the Shelf
Starters 136 Division 1 ( Rated till 6-Stars )
Sum of Modes
Starters 164 (Rated till 5 stars)
Halloween Array, Construct Permutation, Connecting Wells