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Contests (15)
February Challenge 2014
Make Him Happy, Draughts, Colored Array, Longest Common Pattern, Little Elephant and Subarrays
March Challenge 2014
Sereja and Sorting 2, Team Split, Binary Tournament, Walk, Maximum number, GCD condition, Little Chef and Numbers, Mike and Stamps, A Story with Strings
April Challenge 2014
Sereja and Permutation, Shortest Path in Binary Trees, Divide the Tangerine, Chef and Digits, Cards, bags and coins, Farmer Feb, Counting Matrices
May Challenge 2014
Stone, Compilers and Parsers, Chef and Strange Matrix, Chef-jumping, Little Elephant and Balloons
June Challenge 2014
Maxim and Progressions, Chef and Functions, Chef and Digit Jumps, Chef and Subarray, Guessing Game
September Challenge 2014
Factorisation, Chef and Rainbow Array - 2, Chef and Swaps, Chef and Left-Right, Chef and sequence, Fun with Rotation, Flooring
February Lunchtime 2014
Sereja and Arrays, Sereja and D, Sereja and ASum
June Lunchtime 2014
Coprime Triples, Dynamic Inversion, The Smallest Pair
July Lunchtime 2014
And Operation, Shift The String, Simple Editor
August Lunchtime 2014
Harrenhal, Wall
January Challenge 2015
Chef and A Large Permutation, Gcd Queries, Xor Queries, One Dimensional Kingdoms, Sereja and Votes, Chef and Stones, Sereja and Number Division 2, Queries on the String
February Challenge 2015
Chef and Equality, Let us play with rank list, Chef and Strange Formula, Time to Study Graphs with Chef, Chef and Chain, Chef and Strings
March Challenge 2015
Matrix, Sign Wave, Devu and his Class, Sereja and Random Array, Chef and Problems, Chef and Notebooks, Count Substrings
April Challenge 2015
Count Sequences, Chef and Array, Chef and Interview, Broken Telephone, Inversion sorting, Chef and Piano Scales
February Lunchtime 2015
Lucky Four, The Warehouse