Archit Srivastava
- 3★eh2arch
- Student
- National Institute of Technology, Durgapur West Bengal, India
- No Active Plan. View Details
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(2022-12-20 00:00:00)Learning Paths (0)
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Contests (22)
April Challenge 2013
Levy Conjecture, Maximum Weight Difference
May Challenge 2013
Password Cracking Challenge, Name Reduction, Your Name is Mine, Field Trip, Witua and Math
June Challenge 2013
Predictopus, To challenge or not, W String, Lapindromes
July Challenge 2013
Count K-Primes
August Challenge 2013
Little Elephant and Lemonade, Splitting Candies
October Cook-Off 2013
Polo the Penguin and the Numbers
October Challenge 2013
Helping Lira, Maxim and Dividers, Little Elephant and Bamboo
November Challenge 2013
Chef Game, Superpowers of 2, Yet Another Cute Girl, Sereja and Vectors, Uncle Johny, Square Digit Squares, Missing some chairs
December Challenge 2013
Magic Pairs
December Cook-off 2013
Chef Goes Through Segments, Chef and Girlfriend
January Challenge 2014
Chef and Feedback, Please like me, Magic Trick, Bon Appetit
March Cook-Off 2014
Dividing Stamps
July Cook-Off 2014
Copy-Paste, Sum Queries
September Cook-Off 2014, ACM-ICPC Warm up
Sherlock and the Grid, Subarray GCD
October Cook-Off 2014
The Army, Walk on the Axis
March Challenge 2014
Mike and Stamps, A Story with Strings, Little Chef and Numbers, Maximum number, GCD condition, Binary Tournament, Team Split, Sereja and Sorting 2, Walk
April Challenge 2014
Divide the Tangerine, Shortest Path in Binary Trees, Chef and Digits, Cards, bags and coins, Farmer Feb, Counting Matrices, Sereja and Permutation
August Challenge 2014
The Leaking Robot, Chef and Gift
September Challenge 2014
Chef and Left-Right, Fun with Rotation
September Challenge 2016
Chef and digits of a number, Faded Palindromes, Chef and calculation