Dhiresh kumar singh
- 3★ethanhunt1728
- Student
- Indian Institute of Technology Ropar Rupnagar, Punjab, India
- No Active Plan. View Details
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No. of Contests Participated: 13
Ratings System Update
(2025-02-12 22:30:02)Learning Paths (0)
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Contests (13)
Starters 153 (Rated)
Make Arithmetic Progression, Butterfly, Another Game, AI is Coming
Starters 154 (Rated)
Add 1 or 2 Game, Calorie Limit, Coldplay Tickets
Starters 155 (Rated)
Chef and Parole, GCD to 1 (Easy), GCD to 1 (Hard), Rectangled
Starters 156 (Rated)
Partition Score, Long Queue, Even Numbers Hate
Starters 157 (Rated)
Normal is Good (Easy), Non-matching Name, Unmedian, Small, Smaller, Smallest, Not-too-far Replacement
Starters 159 (Rated)
Super Hero, Chess Colouring, Elections
Starters 160 (Rated)
Buying Order (Easy), Equate S and T
Starters 162 (Rated)
Adjacent Sum Array
Starters 163 (Rated)
Minimum Types, Lexio Swap, Nice Array
Starters 164 (Rated)
Swap and Flip
Starters 166 (Rated)
Distinct Power, Chefland Library
Starters 169 (Rated)
Hamming equivalent, Make K Most Frequent
Starters 173 (Rated upto < 2700)
Cool Subsequences, Time Penalty, Overwrite