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- 3★fiter
- Ukraine
- Student
- Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
- No Active Plan. View Details
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Contests (28)
July Cook-Off 2014
Sum Queries, Copy-Paste
September Cook-Off 2014, ACM-ICPC Warm up
Subarray GCD, Sherlock and the Grid
March Challenge 2014
June Challenge 2014
Chef and Subarray
July Challenge 2014
Chef and Frogs, Count Substrings
August Challenge 2014
Chef and Reversing, Earthquake, Chef and Gift
September Challenge 2014
Chef and Left-Right, Fun with Rotation
October Challenge 2014
Chef and Ground
December Challenge 2014
XOR with Subset, Chef and Apple Trees, Chef and Bracket-Pairs, Alok-nath and His Sanskars
January Challenge 2015
Queries on the String, Chef and A Large Permutation, Chef and Stones, Sereja and Votes, One Dimensional Kingdoms, Gcd Queries
February Challenge 2015
Chef and Equality
March Challenge 2015
Chef and Notebooks
April Challenge 2015
Chef and Interview, Broken Telephone
August Challenge 2015
Chef and insomnia, Aditi and Magic Trick, Cooking Machine, Gravity Guy, Way Out, Devu And Churu
October Challenge 2015
Count Subarrays
November Challenge 2015
Eugene and function, Simple Sum, Chef and cakes
December Challenge 2015
Chef and the stones, Plane Division, Oracle Devu and Longest Common Subsequence, Chef and Filters
July Cook-Off 2015
Cops and the Thief Devu, Maximize Disjoint Pair Sum
October Cook-Off 2015
Word Stem, Almost Sorted Permutation
November Cook-Off 2015
Sereja and Array and Subtracting, Sereja and Line
February Challenge 2016
Sereja and Two Lines, Chef and Strange Operations, Chef-Detective
March Challenge 2016
Chef And Hungry Birds, Palindromic substrings, maximize the sum, Chef And Special Dishes
July Challenge 2016
Andrash and Stipendium, Chef and Segments, Chef and Tetris, Chef and Robots Competition, Chefland and Electricity
February Cook-Off 2016
Puppy and Sum
February Lunchtime 2016
Chef and Socks, Chef and Tic-Tac-Toe
Total Problems Solved: 81
Problems Authored (2)
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