Mark Greve
- 6★gmark
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Contests (30)
July 2009 (Contest V)
Lights Off, Quadratic Equations, The White Knight, Buggy algorithm, Johny the farmer, Lights Off, Revisited!, Sums in a cuboid
August 2009 (Contest VI)
Magic sequence, Bytelandian Robots, Curry Stained Napkin, Golf course, Crystals, Divide and conquer
September 2009 (Contest VIII)
Se7en, A Bowling Game, Smart Frog, A Coin Game, Alien language, Chemical reactions, Mosaic
October 2009 (Contest IX)
Congruent triangles, A puzzle game, Paragraph Formatting, Just a simple sum, Kayaks, Forces in the crystal
November 2009 (Contest X)
SudokuX, Help the DJ, Magic Strings, Help the judge, The LCS Problem Revisited, The Best Box
December 2009 (Contest XI)
Park tour, The N Queens Puzzle Revisited, Effective Sets, Palindromic Numbers, Maze of Digits, Plant Location
January 2010 (Contest XII)
Place the balloon, Circle of towers, Cell Phone Towers , Wildcard Matching, Lost Primes, Jawbreaker
February 2010 Contest
Toll Trolls, The Mine Field, Motorbike Racing, Soccer League, Sorting device, Overlapping discs
March 2010 Contest
Treasure Hunting, Heroes of Magical Might, K-important Strings, The Best Tower, Tri-Hexagonal Puzzle, Traffic jam
April 2010 Contest
Lighting the shop, The Reversed World, Flood, Travelling Salesman Again !, Trip, Adding Fractions
May 2010 Contest
Rotation Puzzle, Lights Out, Nice Quadrangles, Rendezvous, Generalized Spanning Trees, Summing Slopes
June 2010 Contest
Graph Counting, Pricing Tollbooths, Robot Game, Tidying Posters, Prime Pattern, Squirrel and chestnut, Stable Marriage
July 2010
Closest Ranking, Happy Days, Maximal crosses, Rearranging Digits, Adding Least Common Multiples, Block Tower
August 2010 Challenge
Genetics, Swarm of Polygons, Exit code, Obstacle Course, Stepping Numbers, Optimizing Production and Sales
August Cook Off
Backup Functions, Fetching Cooking Tools, Arranging the Appetizers, Cleaning Up
September 2010 Challenge
Multiples of 3, Brush Fire, Cake Production Line, Communicating Servers, Bytelandian Shoppers, Trees Again
October 2010 Challenge
Reduce string, Get a Clue, Post Office, Logging Game, Count palindromes, Integer Combinations Of Vectors
November 2010 Challenge
Randomly Testing Circuits, Bombing, Graph Challenge, Chefs Bad Day, Renting Spare Oven Time, Balanced Walks
December 2010 Challenge
Delivering Bread, The Hungry Bear, Odd Binomial Coefficients, Byteknights and Byteknaves, A String Game, Even Coefficients
January 2011 Challenge
Restaurant Expansion, Chess Pushing Game, Flu Shot Lineup, Count Relations
The January 2011 Cook-Off
Holes in the text, Chef team, Whole submatrix
February 2011 Contest
Bogosort, Glass Measurement, Milestones, Counting Terms
March 2011 Challenge
K-Unique Sequence, Ski Resort, Squares Game, Buying Land, Omax, The Amazing All-In-One Cooking Machine - Challenge
March Cook-off Challenge
Money Transformation, Snake Snaky, Grouping Chefs
April Long Contest
Gravel, Number Game Revisited, Generalized Independent Sets, Graphs in Euclidean Space, Central Point, Rectangles Counting
May Long Contest 2011
Tree Product, The Great Wall of Byteland
June Long Contest 2011
Chef Teams
September Long Contest
Younger Brother, BIT Magazine
October Long Contest 2011
Dish Distribution, The Baking Business, Repeated String, Lucky Palin
November Long Contest 2011
Chefs new Pet, New Restaurant, The Postal Service