- 5★harmon_02
- India
- Student
- Indian Institute of Technology BHU Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
- No Active Plan. View Details
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(2025-01-29 22:00:00)Ratings System Update
(2022-12-20 00:00:00)Learning Paths (0)
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Contests (40)
April Long One 2022, Division 4 (Rated)
Dazzling GCD Pair, Prime Sum, Dazzling AXNODR Challenge , Ezio and Guards, The Cooler Dilemma 1, The Cooler Dilemma 2, Pairwise Xors
May Cook-Off 2022 Division 4 (Rated)
Chef and Gym, Chef and Masks, Farmers League, Game of Pooks, Doubled Distances
July Cook-Off 2022 Division 3 (Rated)
Permutation And Median, K-MEX, Xor Permutation, Segmentation Fault, High Accuracy
Starters 45 Division 4 (Rated)
Even Equal Odd, Xor and Multiply, Chef and his Apps, Best of Two, Retrieve the Array, Adjacent Sum Parity, Change Row and Column Both
Starters 51 Division 2 (Rated)
Split N, Copy and Paste, Different Medians
Starters 67 Division 2 (Rated)
Maximum Angriness, Expensive Steps , Counting Problem
Starters 68 Division 2 (Rated)
Boring String, XOR Product, Expense List, Interesting Array, Make Money
Starters 69 Division 2 (Rated)
Akash and Dinner, Distinct Sequence
Starters 70 Division 2 (Rated)
Minimum distance between 1s, Prime Reversal, Frequency Array Retrieval
Starters 71 Division 2 (Rated)
Pet Store, Flip the Prefix
Starters 79 Division 2 (Rated)
Love Squares Hate Cubes, Mountain, Add smallest prime factor, Distinct Opposite Sums
Starters 80 Division 2 (Rated)
Permutation Subsequence, Prefix Permutation, Equal Elements
Starters 84 Division 2 (Rated)
Max count of 1, Max Binary, Chef And Adjacent Sums
Starters 83 Division 2 (Rated)
Construct String, Order by XOR
Starters 91 Division 2 (Rated)
Odd GCD Permutation, Chef Odd, Blobby Volley Scores, Maximum Sum Permutation
Starters 92 Division 2 (Rated)
Rectangular Tiling, Dotify Playlist
Starters 93 Division 2 (Rated)
Break Free, Thank U, Next, NASA, Problem
Starters 94 Division 2 (Rated)
CodeChef Streak, Possible or Not, The Vowel Matrix
Starters 95 Division 2 (Rated)
Boxes, Transfusion Chain, EVacuate to Moon
Starters 97 Division 2 (Rated)
Schrodinger Smiley, No Palindrome, Triplets Min
Starters 98 Division 2 (Rated)
3-Blast Palindrome, Airport Management, Ball Distribution
Starters 99 Division 2 (Rated)
Card Swipe, Exclusion-Inclusion
Starters 101 Division 2 (Rated)
Minimize Xor Difference, Warrior Chef, Lockpicking Chef
August Long 2023 Division 2 (Unrated)
Maximum Deliciousness, I Can Use Both Hands!
Starters 112 Division 2 (Rated)
Cursed Indices, 3 Logicians Walk into a Bar, Yet Another Array Game, Permutation Construction
Starters 114 Division 2 (Rated)
Rock-Paper-Scissors, Christmas Candy
Starters 118 Division 2 (Rated)
Subset GCD, Xorry 2, Xorry 1
Starters 119 Division 2 (Rated)
Cookie Day, Another Good String , K Odd Sum
Starters 120 Division 2 (Rated)
Find Permutation , Count Subarrays, Count Arrays, Sub or Swp
Starters 123 Division 2 (Rated)
Maximise Adjacent Sum, Check Adjacent Sum, Minimum And Maximum I, Yet Another Alice Bob Game, Minimum And Maximum II
Starters 124 Division 2 (Rated)
Binary Parity, Table Strength, Swap and Unite, Make It One
Starters 125 Division 2 (Rated)
Bucket Game, Operating on A, Fake Certificate, Binary Minimal
Starters 127 Division 2
ABC Conjecture, Superincreasing, Anti-Triangle
Starters 145 Division 1 (Rated till 6-Stars)
Make Bob Win , Square String
Starters 156 (Rated till 6 stars)
Interval Cliques, Partition Score
Starters 157 (Rated till 5 stars)
Small, Smaller, Smallest, Normal is Good, Unmedian
Starters 164 (Rated till 5 stars)
Halloween Array, Connecting Wells
Starters 167 (Rated till 5 stars)
Temperature Balance, Lottery Tickets, Grid Construction (Odd)
Starters 169 (Rated)
Constant Subsequence, Hamming equivalent, Make K Most Frequent
Starters 170 (Rated till 6 star)
Crazy Jumping Frogs, qUiRkY qUesTs (Easy), Simultaneous Robots
Starters 171 (Rated till 5 star)
Advitiya Security Vault, White Wall, Volcanic Eruption