Hu Sheng
- 6★husheyn
United States
- Student
- University of California, Los Angeles
- No Active Plan. View Details
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(2022-12-20 00:00:00)Learning Paths (0)
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Contests (19)
December 2011 Long Contest
Robot Movings, Birthday Gift, Ciel and Eggs
January 2012 Challenge
Houses and Restaurants, Card Shuffle, Gap Filler Game, Lucky Sum
March 2012 Challenge
Longest Weird Subsequence, Cosine Partition Function, Evil Book, Lucky Number, Free Shuttle Service, Home Delivery, Spoon in Matrix, Xor it
March Cook-Off 2012
Ciel Numbers I
April Challenge 2012
PDS Number, Greatest Dumpling Fight, Stacking Pancakes, Double Strings, Fit to Play, Parallel Computing, Lucky Array
May Challenge 2012
A Home for Chef, Little Elephant and Boxes, Remember the recipe, Lucky lucky number, Jewels and Stones, Little Elephant and Median, Digits Forest, Divisible Pairs
May Challenge 2013
Matchsticks, Witua and Math, Tree Counting, Juno Puzzle for May, Name Reduction, Your Name is Mine, Field Trip
October Cook-Off 2014
The Dirty Path, Mahesh and his lost array, Walk on the Axis, The Army
November Cook-Off 2014
Lost Graph, Most Distant Points, Brackets, Petersen Graph
September Challenge 2014
Flooring, Fun with Rotation, Chef and sequence, Chef and Left-Right, Chef and Rainbow Array - 2, Chef and Swaps, Sereja and Bubble Sort
October Challenge 2014
Remy paints the fence, Sereja and two strings, Chef and Ground, Chef and Square, Magical Girl and Colored Liquid Potions, DevuLand, Dinosaurs and Laddus
November Challenge 2014
Distinct Characters Subsequence, Chef and Churu, Let us construct palindrome, Chef and Red Black Tree, Sereja and Permutations, Fombinatorial, Chef and Words, Chef and Segment Game
December Challenge 2014
Chef Under Pressure, Alok-nath and His Sanskars, Chef and Bracket-Pairs, XOR with Subset, Chef and Apple Trees, Sereja and GCD
September Lunchtime 2014
Chef and medium problem 2, Chef and easy problem 2, Chef and easy problem
October Lunchtime 2014
Tanu and Head-bob, And Tuples, Physics Class, Cascading Style Sheets
November Lunchtime 2014
A wolf, a sheep and cabbage, Dividing the Students
January Challenge 2015
One Dimensional Kingdoms, Gcd Queries, Sereja and Votes, Chef and Stones, Chef and A Large Permutation, Queries on the String
July Challenge 2015
Addition and Multiplication, Bread, Na2a and lucky stone, Chef and Cube
August Challenge 2015
Way Out, Gravity Guy, Devu And Churu , Cooking Machine, Aditi and Magic Trick, Chef and insomnia