Trupti Gupta
- 2★im_trupti
- Other
- No Active Plan. View Details
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No. of Contests Participated: 8
Ratings System Update
(2025-03-19 22:15:06)Learning Paths (0)
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Contests (8)
Starters 170 (Rated)
Monster Monster, Minimum Bottles, Access Code Equality
Starters 171 (Rated)
Squid Game - Piggy Bank, Swish Game, White Wall, Advitiya
Starters 172 (Rated)
Transform String, Time Machine, AndOr, Small Palindrome, Streak Star, Tactical Removal
Starters 173 (Rated upto < 2700)
Introverts, Overwrite, Time Penalty, Min-Max Product Partition, Postman and LLM, Cool Subsequences
Starters 174 (Rated)
Too Much Homework!, Bigger is Better
Starters 175 (Rated)
Assignment Due, Technex Tickets
Starters 177 (Rated)
Ordered Distances, Triangle Checking, 2 Boxes
Starters 178 (Rated)
Smoothly Increasing , Food Balance, Placing 01 And 10, Permutation Construct