B'ru Khatri
- 6★khatribru
- Student
- Jahangirnagar University Dhaka, Bangladesh
- No Active Plan. View Details
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Contests (58)
November Challenge 2013
Superpowers of 2, Uncle Johny, Square Digit Squares, Missing some chairs
December Challenge 2013
Chef and Codes, Funny Marbles, Magic Pairs, Reign, Rectangular Queries
December Cook-off 2013
Chef and Girlfriend
January Challenge 2014
Magic Trick, Sereja and Graph, Byteland Tours, Bon Appetit, Please like me, Chef and Feedback
January Cook-off 2014
Chef and the Cake I
February Cook-Off 2014
Chef and Remissness, Chef and Kingship, Chef and Reunion
March Cook-Off 2014
Dividing Stamps
May Cook-Off 2014
Ups and Downs
July Cook-Off 2014
Copy-Paste, Sum Queries
August Cook-Off 2014
Tree Game, Permutation Shuffle
September Cook-Off 2014, ACM-ICPC Warm up
Sherlock and the Grid, Subarray GCD, Subarray LCM
October Cook-Off 2014
The Army, Walk on the Axis
February Challenge 2014
Draughts, Make Him Happy, Longest Common Pattern, Little Elephant and Subarrays, Colored Array, Make It Zero 2
March Challenge 2014
Sereja and Sorting 2, Team Split, Binary Tournament, Walk, Maximum number, GCD condition, Little Chef and Numbers, Mike and Stamps, A Story with Strings
April Challenge 2014
Sereja and Permutation, Counting Matrices, Farmer Feb, Cards, bags and coins, Chef and Digits, Divide the Tangerine, Shortest Path in Binary Trees
June Challenge 2014
Chef and Digit Jumps, Chef and Subarray, Guessing Game, Forgot Password
July Challenge 2014
Garden Game, Chef and Frogs, Chef and Rectangle Genome, Count Substrings, Reach The Point, Dish Owner
August Challenge 2014
Mountain Holidays 2, Little Elephant and T-Shirts, Chef and Reversing, The Leaking Robot, Earthquake, Cleaning Tables, Chef and Gift
October Challenge 2014
Remy paints the fence, Chef and Ground, Chef and Painting, Chef and Square, Magical Girl and Colored Liquid Potions, DevuLand, Dinosaurs and Laddus
November Challenge 2014
Chef and Segment Game, Distinct Characters Subsequence, Chef and Red Black Tree, Let us construct palindrome
December Challenge 2014
Chef Under Pressure, Alok-nath and His Sanskars, XOR with Subset, Chef and Apple Trees
April Challenge 2015
Count Sequences, Chef and Array, Chef and Interview, Broken Telephone, Inversion sorting, Division of Lands, Chef and Piano Scales
May Challenge 2015
Devu and binary String, Chef and Prime Divisors, Set Difference , Chef and new recipe, Chef and Cake
December Challenge 2015
Chef and cinema, Chef and the stones, Plane Division, Oracle Devu and Longest Common Subsequence, Chef and Filters, Chef and Girls
March Cook-Off 2015
How to Minimize a String, How to Repaint a Fence
April Cook-Off 2015
Equality, Version Control System
May Cook-Off 2015
Devu and friendship testing, Devu and decorating birthday cake
August Cook-Off 2015
Chef and the XORed Number , Chef and the Wildcard Matching
September Mega Cook-Off 2015
Reign 2, Forgotten Language, Super Numbers, Stacks
October Cook-Off 2015
Word Stem, Almost Sorted Permutation
December Cook-Off 2015
Chef and Subarrays, Chef and Queries
January Long Challenge 2016
Sereja and Salesman, Chef and Inflation, Rupsa and the Game, Churu and Balls, Chef and Making Triples, Cyclist Race, Chef and Time Machine, Devu and Perfume
February Challenge 2016
Sereja and Two Lines, Chef and Strange Operations, Devu and a light discussion, Rectangles of Love, Chef-Detective
May Challenge 2016
Sereja and GCD 2, Easy Queries, Chef and math, Chef and Balls, Forest Gathering, Chef and Amazingness of Numbers, Chef and Big Soccer, Laddu
June Challenge 2016
Chef And The Hiring Event, Chef and Rectangle Array, Chef and Array and K, Chef And Binary Operation, Chef and Coins Game, Chef and cities, Devu and an Array
July Challenge 2016
Andrash and Stipendium, Chef and Segments, Chef and Tetris, Chef and special numbers, Chef and Robots Competition, Chefland and Electricity
August Challenge 2016
Chef and His Garden, Fighting Ebola, Chef and Circle Run, Chef and Chocolate, Chef and Round Run, Funny gnomes, Maximum Grid
September Challenge 2016
Chef and Friends, Dividing Machine, Chef and Matrix Division, Chef and digits of a number, Faded Palindromes, JosephLand, Chef and calculation
May Cook-Off 2016
June Cook-Off 2016
Sticks, Right Triangle, Chef Land
September Cook-Off 2016
Lazy Jem, The Lost Arithmetic Sequences, Counting Strings
October Cook-Off 2016
Sherlock and the Ugly Flower, Watson asks Does Permutation Exist, ChefWatson uses Social Network
July Lunchtime 2016
Drumpf for President!, Lumpy - The Bus Driver
November Lunchtime 2016
Chef and his Students, Chef and Square Set
April Challenge 2017
Chef and Digits, (CH) Serejs and Billiards, Bear and Random Grid, Chef and Divisor Tree, Stable market, Dish Of Life, Bear and Row 01, Bear and Clique Distances, Similar Dishes
May Challenge 2017
Chef and Sub Array , Long Sandwich , Gotham PD, Chef and his daily routine, Courses in an university, Blocked websites, Median of adjacent maximum numbers, Chef and Subsequences
June Challenge 2017
Chef and Prime Queries, A Good Set, Cloning, Chef and the Feast, Xenny and Coin Rankings, Triplets, Pairwise union of sets
October Challenge 2017
Chef and Magic Arrays, Chef and a great voluntary Program, Chef and Cycled Cycles, Max Mex, Counter Test For CHEFSUM, A Balanced Contest
April Cook-Off 2017
Bear and Shop Trip, Bear and Candies 123, Bear and AB
June Cook-Off 2017
Ada and crayons, Knight Covering, SnackUp, Centeroid
September Cook-Off 2017
Infinite OR Game, Statistics Construction, Subsequence Equality
December Cook-Off 2017
Minimum SubArray, Beautiful Array, Football Match
March Lunchtime 2017
Bear and Haircut, Bear and Ladder, Bear and Species
April Lunchtime 2017
Bear and Segments, Bear and Segment 01
June Lunchtime 2017
Maximum Unique Segment, Two Numbers, Company and Club Hierarchies
November Lunchtime 2017
Smart Strategy, L-R queries
December Lunchtime 2017
Days in Month, Strange Function, Too Much Sweetness