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PVSM Praveen Kumar
- 5★lordshiva1996
- Student
- Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India
- No Active Plan. View Details
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(2022-12-20 00:00:00)Learning Paths (0)
Practice Paths (1)
Contests (29)
September Challenge 2015
Count Steps in Matrix, Bank robbery, Lighthouses, Cracking the Code, Chain of Doughnuts
October Challenge 2015
Time measure, Count Subarrays, Who dares to be a millionaire, Spheres, Rupsa and Equilateral Triangle
November Challenge 2015
Eugene and function, Simple Sum, Chef and cakes
December Challenge 2015
Chef and the stones, Oracle Devu and Longest Common Subsequence, Plane Division
September Mega Cook-Off 2015
Forgotten Language
October Cook-Off 2015
Almost Sorted Permutation
December Cook-Off 2015
Chef and Subarrays
August Lunchtime 2015
Minimum Maximum
September Lunchtime 2015
Sum of palindromic numbers
October Lunchtime 2015
November Lunchtime 2015
Black And White Cells
January Long Challenge 2016
Chef and Inflation, Devu and Perfume, Chef and Time Machine, Cyclist Race, Churu and Balls, Rupsa and the Game, Chef and Making Triples
February Challenge 2016
Matrix Maximum Sum, Chef-Detective, Rectangles of Love, Devu and a light discussion, Chef and Strange Operations, Sereja and Two Lines, Chef and Job and Rest
March Challenge 2016
Sereja and Two Strings 2, Chef And Hungry Birds, Palindromic substrings, Chef and Number Guessing, maximize the sum, Chef And Special Dishes
April Challenge 2016
Game of snakes on a grid, Chef And Coloring, Chef And Magical Path, Chef and Ballons, Devu and good strings, Help Watson Escape, Fibonacci Queries
May Challenge 2016
Sereja and GCD 2, Chef and math, Chef and Balls, Forest Gathering, Chef and Amazingness of Numbers, Chef and Big Soccer, Laddu
August Challenge 2016
Chef and Chocolate, Chef and Round Run, Chef and Circle Run, Fighting Ebola, Chef and His Garden
September Challenge 2016
Chef and Friends, Dividing Machine, Chef and Matrix Division, Chef and digits of a number, Faded Palindromes, JosephLand, Chef and calculation
February Cook-Off 2016
Puppy and Sum
March Cook-Off 2016
Alternating subarray prefix, Digital clock, Dual Nim
June Cook-Off 2016
Sticks, Right Triangle
November Cook-Off 2016
Sebi and the highway
February Lunchtime 2016
Chef and Socks, Chef and Tic-Tac-Toe
May Lunchtime 2016
Akhil And Colored Balls
October Lunchtime 2016
The Largest Bouquet
December Lunchtime 2016
Superheroes and villains
January Challenge 2017
Fantastic Four, Tourists in Mancunia, Reservior, Digits Cannot Separate, Chef and Circle, Sereja and Circles, Cats and Dogs, Capital Movement
May Challenge 2017
Chef and Sub Array , Long Sandwich , Gotham PD, Chef and his daily routine, Courses in an university, Blocked websites, Median of adjacent maximum numbers, Chef and Subsequences, Chef and Battleship
March Lunchtime 2017
Bear and Ladder
Total Problems Solved: 304
Problems Authored (18)
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