- 4★lovish8320
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(2025-03-19 22:15:02)Learning Paths (0)
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Contests (28)
Starters 115 Division 4 (Rated)
Decorating Christmas Tree, A PLUS B Remastered, Codechef Round, Chocolate Distribution
Starters 117 Division 4 (Rated)
Not Prime Permutation, Yearly Phone, Spell Shortening, Weapon Choice
Starters 122 Division 3 (Rated)
Problem Reviews, Arya In Grid, Man of the Match
Starters 125 Division 3 (Rated)
50-50 Rule, Fake Certificate
Starters 128 Division 3 (Rated)
XOR And Multiply, Moody Chef, MEXimize the Array, Disjoint Non-Decreasing Array
Starters 130 Division 3 (Rated)
Make Equal, Alternating Binary String, Swapping Marks Digits, Good Binary String
Starters 146 Division 2 (Rated till 5 stars)
Knockout tournament, Bouncing Ball, Permutation Construction
Starters 147 Division 2 (Rated till 5 stars)
Truth Teller And Liars 101, Independence Day 101, Non-Primes 101, Gold Coins 101
Starters 148 Division 2 (Rated)
Starters 149 (Rated)
Easy Subarray Sum, Maximise Sum, Chef Loves Beautiful Strings (Easy Version)
Starters 150 (Rated)
Equal Pairs (Hard), Equal Pairs (Easy), Find Multiset State
Starters 151 (rated)
Convert string
Starters 154 (Rated)
Triangle Count (Easy), Add 1 or 2 Game
Starters 155 (Rated)
GCD to 1 (Easy), GCD to 1 (Hard), Replace With First, Prefix Suffix Min Max
Starters 156 (Rated)
Even Numbers Hate, Count Triplets, Partition Score
Starters 157 (Rated)
Unmedian, Not-too-far Replacement, Small, Smaller, Smallest
Starters 159 (Rated)
Crafty Coloring (Hard), Crafty Coloring (Easy), Super Hero, Random Nim, Glass Bridge (Easy), Chess Colouring, Elections
Starters 166 (Rated)
Divisors Array (Easy Version), Chefland Library, Costly Permutations, Distinct Power
Starters 168 (Rated)
No Two Alike, Binary Removals, Make Odd
Starters 169 (Rated)
Constant Subsequence, Hamming equivalent, Make K Most Frequent
Starters 170 (Rated)
Monster Monster, qUiRkY qUesTs (Easy), Crazy Jumping Frogs
Starters 171 (Rated)
Swish Game, White Wall, Volcanic Eruption
Starters 172 (Rated)
Transform String, AndOr, Streak Star
Starters 173 (Rated upto < 2700)
Cool Subsequences, Time Penalty, Overwrite
Starters 174 (Rated)
Mystic Slimes, Deletion and Difference, Meximal Sum
Starters 175 (Rated)
Alternate It!, Multiplexer, Make same
Starters 177 (Rated)
Flip or Reverse, Ordered Distances, 2 Boxes
Starters 178 (Rated)
Big Difference, Minimum Colours (Easy), Placing 01 And 10