- 7★lych_cys
- Student
- Zhenhai High School, China
- No Active Plan. View Details
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Contests (9)
March Challenge 2017
Completing favorite game, Sum of distances, Path Triples On Tree, Xenny and Alternating Tasks, Pishty and birthday, Bear and Extra Number, Bear and Cat Trap, (CH) Bear and Sorted Rows, Bandwidth of a matrix, Cooking Schedule
April Challenge 2017
Bear and Random Grid, Similar Dishes, Bear and Clique Distances, Bear and Row 01, Dish Of Life, Heavy-Light Decomposition, Stable market, Chef and Divisor Tree, (CH) Serejs and Billiards, Chef and Digits
July Challenge 2017
Pishty and tree, Two Coins, IPC Trainers, Calculator , Servers (Challenge), Tree Expectancy, Multiplication Program, Chef and Sign Sequences, Irrational Root, Whats in the Name
September Challenge 2017
Querying on a Grid, Little Chef and Sums, Fill The Matrix, Weasel finds Staircase, Weasel does Xor on Tree, Sum of Cubes, Minimum Good Permutation, Chef and Pick Digit, Sereja and Functions (Challenge), Sereja and Commands
October Challenge 2017
Lucky Edge, Chef and a great voluntary Program, (Challenge) Connecting computers, A Balanced Contest, Counter Test For CHEFSUM, Max Mex, Chef and Horcrux, Chef and Magic Arrays, Chef and Cycled Cycles, Shooting on the array
November Challenge 2017
Chef and Intersection Line, Product on the segment by modulo , Day Schedule, Chef Hates Palindromes, Polynomials, Chef and Subarray Queries, Chef goes Left Right Left, Lovers Gift, Periodic Palindrome Construction, Villages and Tribes
IOPC 2017 (Rated)
Solve the Assignment, Christmas Time, Game Of Life, The Birthday Tears, Max Out
January Challenge 2018
Rectangle, Partition the numbers, String Merging, Maximum Score, K-Concatenation, Killjee and k-th letter , Simplify the Square Root, A humongous Query, Killing Monsters, (Challenge) Chef and Palindromes
March Challenge 2018 DIV 1
Pishty and Triangles, Chef and Interval Painting, Chef Cuts Tree, Chef and Easy Problem, Chef and Gcd Queries, Mix the Colors, Minions and Voting