- 4★manumeral_80
- Student
- Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur Howrah, West Bengal, India
- No Active Plan. View Details
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Contests (22)
December Cook-Off 2014
Good Joke!
August Challenge 2014
The Leaking Robot, Chef and Gift
September Challenge 2014
Chef and Rainbow Array - 2, Chef and Left-Right, Fun with Rotation
October Challenge 2014
Remy paints the fence, Chef and Ground, Chef and Painting, Magical Girl and Colored Liquid Potions, DevuLand, Dinosaurs and Laddus
November Challenge 2014
Let us construct palindrome, Chef and Red Black Tree, Distinct Characters Subsequence, Chef and Segment Game
December Challenge 2014
XOR with Subset, Chef and Apple Trees
September Lunchtime 2014
Chef and easy problem
January Challenge 2015
Chef and Stones, Sereja and Votes, Gcd Queries
June Challenge 2015
Chef and His Friend, Chef and Memory Limit, Chef and Polygons
September Challenge 2015
Chain of Doughnuts, Count Steps in Matrix
October Challenge 2015
Count Subarrays, Rupsa and Equilateral Triangle, Spheres, Time measure, Who dares to be a millionaire
August Cook-Off 2015
Chef and the XORed Number , Chef and the Wildcard Matching
June Challenge 2016
Chef And The Hiring Event, Chef And Binary Operation, Chef and Coins Game, Devu and an Array
September Challenge 2016
Chef and calculation, Faded Palindromes, Chef and digits of a number, Dividing Machine, Chef and Friends
October Challenge 2016
Chef and Keyboard, Fenwick Iterations, Chef and Three Dogs
July Cook-Off 2016
Chef and Proportion, Chef and Numbers
September Cook-Off 2016
Lazy Jem
May Challenge 2017
Chef and Sub Array , Chef and his daily routine, Courses in an university, Blocked websites, Median of adjacent maximum numbers, Chef and Subsequences