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Contests (47)
April Cook-Off 2012
Top Batsmen, Resistance
May Challenge 2012
Jewels and Stones, Lucky lucky number, Remember the recipe
May Cook-Off 2012
Little Elephant and Balance, Little Elephant and Strings
June Challenge 2012
Little Elephant and Candies, Arranging Cup-cakes
July Challenge 2012
Chef's Dream, My Fair Coins, The Gray-Similar Code, Little Elephant and Bubble Sort, Gift Rift, Restaurant Rating
August Challenge 2012
Little Elephant and Bombs, Lucky Driving, Range of Data, Delivery Boy
August Cook-Off 2012
Forced Output, Code Crazy Minions
September Challenge 2012
Simultaneous Nim, Lights, Kisses & Hugs, Chef World, Racing Horses, Queries About Numbers, ChefTown Parade, Three is Crowd
October Challenge 2012
Little Elephant and Order, Fierce Battles, Event Organizer, The New Scheme, Need More Diamonds
September Cook-Off 2012
Prime Permutations, Recipe Reconstruction, Carvans, Coal Scam
October Cook-Off 2012
Buying Sweets, Equalization, Tennis Tournament
November Challenge 2012
Lucky Balance, A Wonderful Chocolate, Delicious Dishes, Coin Flip, Jam Board, Sridhar Likes Travelling
November Cook-Off 2012
Little Elephant and Permutations, Little Elephant and Divisors
December Challenge 2012
Granama Recipes
January Challenge 2013
Little Elephant and Alcohol, Dividing Products, The Minimum Number Of Moves, End Of The World, Chef of the Year, Three Different Numbers
January Cook-Off 2013
Minimum Distance, Many Chefs, Defacing Score
February 2013 Challenge
Little Elephant and Cards, Buy1-Get1, Climbing Stairs, Word Play, Efficient Painting
March Challenge 2013
Tourist Translations, Approximately, Fire Escape Routes
April Cook-Off 2013
Andrew and the Birthday, Andrew and the Meatballs, Andrew and the Strings, Andrew and the Meatballs again
May Challenge 2013
Matchsticks, Witua and Math, Name Reduction, Your Name is Mine, Field Trip
May Cook-off 2013
Subtraction Game 1, Subtraction Game 2
Lunch Time July 2013
Cooking dishes
June Cook-Off 2014
Where the Wild Things Are, Counting Flags, Knapsack Problem, Painting
July Cook-Off 2014
Copy-Paste, Sum Queries
October Challenge 2014
Remy paints the fence, Sereja and two strings, Chef and Ground, Chef and Square, Magical Girl and Colored Liquid Potions, DevuLand, Dinosaurs and Laddus
November Challenge 2014
Chef and Segment Game, Chef and Words, Fombinatorial, Sereja and Permutations, Distinct Characters Subsequence, Chef and Red Black Tree, Let us construct palindrome, Chef and Churu, The Spelling Problem
August Lunchtime 2014
Harrenhal, Wall
April Challenge 2015
Count Sequences, Chef and Array, Chef and Interview, Broken Telephone, Inversion sorting, Division of Lands, Chef and Piano Scales, Black-white Board Game, Devus and their voting system
May Challenge 2015
Devu and his three Hands, Devu and binary String, Chef and Prime Divisors, Set Difference , Chef and new recipe, Chef and Balanced Strings, Chef and Cake, Special Economic Zone
June Challenge 2015
Steady tables, Chef and His Friend, Chef and Memory Limit, Chef and Polygons, Anticommutative implication, Chef and String
July Challenge 2015
Addition and Multiplication, Bread, MasterChef, Na2a and lucky stone, Chef and Cube, Rohith and Circles
August Challenge 2015
Way Out, Gravity Guy, Devu And Churu , Cooking Machine, Aditi and Magic Trick, Chef and insomnia
September Challenge 2015
Chain of Doughnuts, Count Steps in Matrix
October Challenge 2015
Time measure, Count Subarrays, Who dares to be a millionaire, Spheres, Cyclic shifts in permutation, Rupsa and Equilateral Triangle, Jump mission
November Challenge 2015
Eugene and function, Simple Sum, Chef and cakes
February Cook-Off 2015
Fit Squares in Triangle, Strategy for the World Cup
March Cook-Off 2015
How to Minimize a String, How to Write a Message, How to Repaint a Fence
May Cook-Off 2015
Devu, his friends and birthday gifts, Devu and friendship testing, Devu and decorating birthday cake, Devu and most energetic minion
September Mega Cook-Off 2015
Reign 2, Forgotten Language, Super Numbers, Stacks
October Cook-Off 2015
Word Stem, Almost Sorted Permutation
November Cook-Off 2015
Sereja and Line, Sereja and Array and Subtracting, Sereja and Pairs, Sereja and Tree 2
February Lunchtime 2015
Lucky Four
December Lunchtime 2015
Computer Network, Ancient Berland Roads, Distinct Codes
March Cook-Off 2016
Digital clock, Alternating subarray prefix
July Cook-Off 2016
Chef and Proportion, Chef and Numbers, Chef and Land
February Lunchtime 2016
Chef and Socks, Chef and Tic-Tac-Toe
May Challenge 2017
Chef and Sub Array , Long Sandwich , Gotham PD, Chef and his daily routine, Courses in an university, Blocked websites, Median of adjacent maximum numbers, Chef and Subsequences