- 6★nano_ape
- Student
- Tsinghua University
- No Active Plan. View Details
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Contests (15)
March Challenge 2016
Chef And Hungry Birds, Sereja and Two Strings 2, Chef And Special Dishes, Parity tree, Floor Distribution, Palindromic substrings, maximize the sum
April Challenge 2016
Amazing Experiment, Help Watson Escape, Fibonacci Queries, Chef and Ballons, Chef And Magical Path, Chef And Coloring
May Challenge 2016
Chef and math, Laddu, Chef and Big Soccer, Forest Gathering, Chef and Balls
June Challenge 2016
Devu and an Array, Chef and Rectangle Array, Chef and cities, Chef and Coins Game, Chef And Binary Operation, Chef and Array and K, Chef And The Hiring Event
July Challenge 2016
Andrash and Stipendium, Chef and Segments, Chef and Tetris, Chef and special numbers, Evaluate the polynomial, Chef and Robots Competition, Chefland and Electricity, Defend the Recipe
August Challenge 2016
Chef and Round Run, Chef and Circle Run, Chef and His Garden, Chef and Chocolate
April Cook-Off 2016
Movie Weekend, Odd Divisors, Queries on a Binary Tree, LCP Maximization, Bit Twister on a Tree
February Lunchtime 2016
Chef and Socks, Chef and Tic-Tac-Toe, Chef and Polygons, Chef and Dominating Subarrays
March Lunchtime 2016
Two Closest, Arrays Sum, Simple Statistics, ABABAABA
May Lunchtime 2016
Akhil And Random String, Akhil And Pending Homework, Akhil Recovers The Lost Array, Akhil And Colored Balls
June Lunchtime 2016
Collisions, One more weird game, Square in numbers
August Lunchtime 2016
Studying Alphabet, Short in Average, Lock-Free Stack
September Lunchtime 2016
Chef and Inequality, Chef and Words
July Lunchtime 2017
Find the Maximum Value, Good Pairs
February Challenge 2020 Division 1
Chef and Railway Stations, Expected Change, No Change Required, (Challenge) Raisins, Long Contest and Cook Off Overlaps