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Contests (37)
March 2009 (Contest I)
Johnny and the Beanstalk, Paying up
April 2009 (Contest II)
Spaghetti Monsters, Battleship V, Squash the Bugs
May 2009 (Contest III)
Healthy dinner party
June 2009 (Contest IV)
Product of divisors, The Lucky Draw, Count the squares
July 2009 (Contest V)
The White Knight, Lights Off, Revisited!, Sums in a cuboid
August 2009 (Contest VI)
Magic sequence, Bytelandian Robots, Curry Stained Napkin, Golf course, Crystals
October 2009 (Contest IX)
A puzzle game, Forces in the crystal
November 2009 (Contest X)
The Best Box
December 2009 (Contest XI)
Park tour, The N Queens Puzzle Revisited, Effective Sets, Palindromic Numbers, Maze of Digits, Plant Location
January 2010 (Contest XII)
Circle of towers, Cell Phone Towers , Wildcard Matching, Lost Primes, Jawbreaker
March 2010 Contest
Treasure Hunting, K-important Strings, The Best Tower, Tri-Hexagonal Puzzle
April 2010 Contest
Trip, Adding Fractions
May 2010 Contest
Nice Quadrangles, Rendezvous
June 2010 Contest
Graph Counting, Robot Game, Squirrel and chestnut
The November CookOff
N Knights Problem, Cutting Recipes
December 2010 Challenge
The Hungry Bear, Odd Binomial Coefficients, A String Game
The December 2010 Cook-Off
Preparing Dishes, The Morning Commute, Pairing Chefs
January 2011 Challenge
Restaurant Expansion, Chess Pushing Game, Flu Shot Lineup, Splitting Giant Subs, Count Relations
The January 2011 Cook-Off
Holes in the text, Chef team, Whole submatrix
February 2011 Contest
Bogosort, Glass Measurement, Milestones, Coloring Colorable Graphs
February Cook - Off Challenge
Breaking Into Atoms, Three Way Communications
March 2011 Challenge
K-Unique Sequence
July 2011 Long Contest
Wireless Network, Billboards, Large Kitchen, A-E Hash Function, Most Popular Friend
August Long Contest 2011
Coloring in Hypercube, Infinite Grid Game, Shortest Circuit Evaluation, Block Drop, Complex Spanning Tree
August Cook-off 2011
Open the Dragon Scroll
September Long Contest
Haunted Maze, Younger Brother, BIT Magazine
October Long Contest 2011
Dish Distribution, The Great Plain, Repeated String, Lucky Palin
September Cook-off
Last Digit Sum, Hotel Bytelandia
September Challenge 2012
Queries About Numbers
June Cook-Off 2014
Counting Flags, Painting
May Challenge 2014
Little Elephant and Balloons, Sereja and Game, Compilers and Parsers, Chef-jumping, Chef and Strange Matrix, Stone
July Challenge 2014
Little Elephant and Painting, Garden Game, Chef and Frogs, Count Substrings, Dish Owner
August Challenge 2014
Chef and Reversing, Chef and Gift
July Lunchtime 2014
And Operation, Shift The String