- 3★pranshgupta54
- India
- Student
- University School of Information, Communication and Technology New Delhi
- No Active Plan. View Details
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(2024-02-21 22:00:02)Learning Paths (0)
Practice Paths (1)
Contests (29)
Starters 70 Division 4 (Rated)
Spice Level, Kitchen Timings, Minimum distance between 1s, Cost of Groceries
Starters 71 Division 4 (Rated)
Pet Store, Perfect Trio, Instagram, Snapchat
Starters 72 Division 4 (Rated)
Indivisible, Apples and oranges, Sum it
Starters 73 Division 4 (Rated)
Lucky Numbers, Multivitamin Tablets, Chef Plays Ludo, Find an integer
Starters 75 Division 4 (Rated)
Two Ranges, Saving Taxes, Profit Increment
Starters 76 Division 4 (Rated)
Read Pages, 400M Race
February Cook-Off 2023 Division 4 (Rated)
Battery Health, Netflix
Starters 77 Division 4 (Rated)
Codechef Airlines, Tekken, Tom and Jerry Chase
Starters 80 Division 4 (Rated)
Just One More Episode, Single-use Attack, Running Comparison, Equal Elements
Starters 82 Division 4 (Rated)
Reach Home, Candy Division
Starters 83 Division 4 (Rated)
Couple Game, Budget of Technex, Construct String, Chef Eren
Starters 90 Division 4 (Rated)
Learning SQL, AP Free Sequences, Printing Binary Array, Favourite Numbers
Starters 91 Division 4 (Rated)
Odd GCD Permutation, Blobby Volley Scores, Bus Seat Numbering, Parking Charges
Starters 93 Division 4 (Rated)
Problem, 7 Rings, Right There
Starters 94 Division 4 (Rated)
The Gift, The Vowel Matrix, Gymkhana Election IIIT-A, CodeChef Streak
Starters 95 Division 3 (Rated)
Alt-Tab, Transfusion Chain, EVacuate to Moon
Starters 96 Division 3 (Rated)
Remove Multiples, Bells of Pilgrimage, Weeding
Starters 97 Division 3 (Rated)
Best of Two, Schrodinger Smiley, Caesar Cipher
Starters 98 Division 3 (Rated)
3-Blast Palindrome, FIND A and B, Airport Management, Ball Distribution
Starters 100 Division 3 (Rated)
Stamps 100, Trade Surplus, Chocolate Distribution
Starters 101 Division 3 (Rated)
Lockpicking Chef, Work Smarter, Not Harder, Warrior Chef
Starters 102 Division 3 (Rated)
Bit Play, Selling Insurance, Chef and Stocks
Starters 103 Division 2 (Rated)
Divisible By 8, Dice Number
Starters 105 Division 2 (Rated)
Take it Easy, Dull Operation
Starters 112 Division 2 (Rated)
Max Nutrition, 3 Logicians Walk into a Bar, Cursed Indices
Starters 114 Division 2 (Rated)
Rock-Paper-Scissors, Christmas Candy
Starters 115 Division 3 (Rated)
Greedy LIS Algorithm, Make All Zero, A PLUS B Remastered, Decorating Christmas Tree, Chocolate Distribution
Starters 122 Division 2 (Rated)
Arya In Grid, Transformation Cost, Man of the Match