- 4★rajk_524
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(2025-02-12 22:30:02)Learning Paths (0)
Practice Paths (3)
Contests (27)
Starters 123 Division 4 (Rated)
Algomaniac Finals, Maximise Adjacent Sum, Minimum And Maximum II, Room Allocation
Starters 124 Division 4 (Rated)
Binary Parity, Table Strength, Summer Time, Cricket Tournament
Starters 126 Division 4 (Rated)
Permutation Disturbance, Sale, Dice Game 3, AC Please
Starters 127 Division 3
Superincreasing, Extreme Basketball, Anti-Triangle
Starters 128 Division 3 (Rated)
Moody Chef, MEXimize the Array, Disjoint Non-Decreasing Array
Starters 129 Division 4 (Rated)
Football Training, Pep Bidding, Ballon d Or
Starters 130 Division 4 (Rated)
Giant Wheel, Swapping Marks Digits, Alternating Binary String, Make Equal
Starters 132 Division 4 (Rated)
ALIEN-OR, Change Please, ICE CREAM, GAME 11
Starters 136 Division 4 (Rated)
Who Makes P1, Even Sum Subarray, My First Geometry Problem
Starters 140 Division 4 (Rated)
Trick Or Treat, Yoga Class, Yoga Day, Split Permutation, Make Permutation
Starters 141 Division 3 (Rated)
Nearly Equal
Starters 142 Division 3 (Rated)
Chef loves Pizza Chef loves halfs, Penalty Shoot-out, Array Removal, Number Hunt
Starters 148 Division 3 (Rated)
Let Me Eat Cake!, FightBots
Starters 151 (rated)
Ball Game, International Gym Day, Convert string
Starters 152 (Rated)
Range Minimize
Starters 153 (Rated)
Butterfly, Another Game, Colorful Tree (Easy Version), Make Arithmetic Progression
Starters 154 (Rated)
GCD and XOR, Triangle Count (Easy), Add 1 or 2 Game, Calorie Limit
Starters 155 (Rated)
GCD to 1 (Easy), Rectangled, GCD to 1 (Hard), Chef and Parole
Starters 157 (Rated)
Small, Smaller, Smallest, Unmedian, Not-too-far Replacement, Non-matching Name, Normal is Good (Easy)
Starters 160 (Rated)
Equate S and T, Modindrome, Buying Order (Easy)
Starters 161 (Rated)
Temporary Temperature, Red-Blue Sort, One To Three, Two Cards
Starters 162 (Rated)
Empty the String, Adjacent Sum Array, Permutation Mod K
Starters 163 (Rated)
Permutation Pair, Minimum Types, Nice Array, Tree Sum is Fun !
Starters 164 (Rated)
Halloween Array, Construct Permutation, Swap and Flip, Connecting Wells
Starters 170 (Rated)
Crazy Jumping Frogs, qUiRkY qUesTs (Easy), Monster Monster
Starters 173 (Rated upto < 2700)
Time Penalty, Overwrite