- 2★rvvvd
- Student
- Government College of Engineering, Nagpur Maharashtra, India
- No Active Plan. View Details
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(2025-03-12 22:00:02)Learning Paths (0)
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Contests (46)
Starters 73 Division 4 (Rated)
Chef Plays Ludo, Multivitamin Tablets, Lucky Numbers, Append for OR
Starters 74 Division 4 (Rated)
Facebook, Mana Points, Chef And Babla, Lcm hates Gcd, Odd Even Binary String
Starters 75 Division 4 (Rated)
Prefix Ones, Three Powers of Two, Saving Taxes, Profit Increment
January Long 2023 Division 4 (Rated)
Far from origin, Overspeeding Fine, Negative Product
February Cook-Off 2023 Division 3 (Rated)
Battery Health, Take Not Less, Alice Potter And Dumbledore Army, Bi_lindrome!, Permutation and Modulus, Minimum Beauty , Netflix
Starters 77 Division 2 (Rated)
Tekken, Tom and Jerry Chase, Codechef Airlines, Concat Palindrome, K Increment Palindrome, Three Numbers
Starters 78 Division 2 (Rated)
Bitwise Equation, Valid Expression, Solve More Problems!
Starters 79 Division 2 (Rated)
Love Squares Hate Cubes, One Stone or Two Stones, Add smallest prime factor, Distinct Opposite Sums, Better Deal, Ageing
Starters 80 Division 2 (Rated)
Permutation Subsequence, c8kbf and Tree, Prefix Permutation, Just One More Episode, Single-use Attack, Running Comparison, Equal Elements
Starters 83 Division 2 (Rated)
Construct String, Order by XOR
Starters 105 Division 3 (Rated)
Bone Appetit, Dracula Eats, Take it Easy, Dull Operation, Wishcraft
Starters 107 Division 2 (Rated)
Maximal Expression, Rock Paper Scissor, Pending Assignments, Clear Day, OR Permutation
Starters 113 Division 2 (Rated)
Minimise Maximum Subarray Sum, Maximum Score , Sum Neq
Starters 114 Division 2 (Rated)
Yet another Matrix problem, Game on Array, Rock-Paper-Scissors, Painting Walls, Christmas Candy, Christmas Greetings
Starters 115 Division 3 (Rated)
Greedy LIS Algorithm, Make All Zero, A PLUS B Remastered, Decorating Christmas Tree, Chocolate Distribution
Starters 116 Division 3 (Rated)
Chef Product, Hattrick, ORST , Access Control
Starters 117 Division 3 (Rated)
Equality Etiquette, Spread Spree, Not Prime Permutation, Weapon Choice, Spell Shortening
Starters 120 Division 2 (Rated)
Find Permutation , Construct Permutation, Count Subarrays, Count Arrays, Sub or Swp
Starters 121 Division 2 (Rated)
Frequal, Caesar Cipher Lite, Anti Adjacent Swaps
Starters 122 Division 2 (Rated)
Man of the Match
Starters 123 Division 2 (Rated)
Maximise Adjacent Sum, Check Adjacent Sum, Minimum And Maximum I, Yet Another Alice Bob Game, Minimum And Maximum II
Starters 124 Division 2 (Rated)
Binary Parity, Table Strength, Swap and Unite, Make It One
Starters 125 Division 2 (Rated)
Bucket Game, Fake Certificate, Binary Minimal
Starters 139 Division 2 (Rated)
Sum of N, Maximum Distance Permutations, Distribute Cookies, Destroying Bridges Part 2, Television Channels
Starters 140 Division 2 (Rated)
Make Permutation, Split Permutation, Trick Or Treat, Yoga Day, Break The String, Yoga Class, Tree Removal
Starters 141 Division 3 (Rated)
Nearly Equal
Starters 143 Division 3 (Rated)
Non-Divisor Array, Binary Conversion, Maximum Coins
Starters 144 Division 3 (Rated)
Capital Gain Tax, Budget Allotment, Largest K, Savings Account
Starters 145 Division 2 (Rated)
Make Bob Win , Volume Comparison, Gun Master, Make My Array Equal, Square String
Starters 147 Division 3 (Rated till 5 stars)
Truth Teller And Liars 101, Independence Day 101, Non-Primes 101, Gold Coins 101
Starters 148 Division 2 (Rated)
Starters 150 (Rated)
Find Multiset State, IOI 2024, Ratio By 2, Equal Pairs (Easy)
Starters 152 (Rated)
Maximize Hamming Distance, Anti-Palindrome Queries, Range Minimize
Starters 155 (Rated)
GCD to 1 (Easy), GCD to 1 (Hard), Replace With First, Prefix Suffix Min Max, Array Concatanation
Starters 156 (Rated)
Count Triplets, Balance Difficulties, Interval Cliques, Partition Score, Even Numbers Hate
Starters 157 (Rated)
Small, Smaller, Smallest, Not-too-far Replacement
Starters 162 (Rated)
Empty the String, Adjacent Sum Array, Permutation Mod K
Starters 163 (Rated)
Chef and Socks, Binary Sum
Starters 173 (Rated upto < 2700)
Cool Subsequences, Time Penalty
Starters 174 (Rated)
Too Much Homework!, Bigger is Better, Deletion and Difference
Starters 177 (Rated)
Ordered Distances, 2 Boxes