- 1★sandydcr
- Student
- Chandigarh University Punjab, India
- No Active Plan. View Details
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(2017-09-11 15:00:00)Ratings System Update
(2022-12-20 00:00:00)Learning Paths (1)
Practice Paths (1)
College Paths (4)
Contests (15)
September Cook-Off 2014, ACM-ICPC Warm up
Subarray GCD
July Challenge 2014
Count Substrings, Reach The Point
August Challenge 2014
The Leaking Robot, Chef and Gift
September Challenge 2014
Chef and Rainbow Array - 2, Chef and Left-Right
October Challenge 2014
Magical Girl and Colored Liquid Potions, DevuLand, Dinosaurs and Laddus, Chef and Painting, Chef and Ground, Remy paints the fence
September Lunchtime 2014
Chef and easy problem
January Challenge 2015
Sereja and Number Division 2, Chef and Stones, Sereja and Votes
January Lunchtime 2015
Piece of cake
February Challenge 2015
Chef and Equality, Let us play with rank list, Chef and Chain, Chef and Strings
May Challenge 2015
Devu and binary String, Chef and Prime Divisors, Set Difference , Chef and new recipe, Chef and Cake
May Cook-Off 2015
Devu and friendship testing, Devu and decorating birthday cake
February Lunchtime 2015
Lucky Four
February Challenge 2016
Chef and Strange Operations, Chef-Detective, Rectangles of Love
June Challenge 2016
Chef and Array and K, Chef and Coins Game, Devu and an Array
September Challenge 2017
Sereja and Commands, Chef and Pick Digit, Minimum Good Permutation, Little Chef and Sums