Shahid Hussain Khan
- 5★shahid_khan
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Contests (39)
February 2012 Challenge
Lucky Long, Word Couting, Count of Maximum
March 2012 Challenge
Free Shuttle Service, Home Delivery, Spoon in Matrix
April Challenge 2012
Fit to Play, Double Strings, Stacking Pancakes, Greatest Dumpling Fight, Similar Graphs
May Challenge 2012
Killing Gs, Little Elephant and Median, Jewels and Stones, Lucky lucky number, Divisible Pairs, Remember the recipe, A Home for Chef
September Challenge 2012
Chef World, Queries About Numbers, Three is Crowd
October Cook-Off 2012
Buying Sweets, Equalization
November Challenge 2012
Coin Flip
December Challenge 2012
Pizza Delivery
January Challenge 2013
Little Elephant and Alcohol, Dividing Products, The Minimum Number Of Moves, End Of The World, Chef of the Year, Three Different Numbers
February 2013 Challenge
Little Elephant and Cards, Buy1-Get1, Climbing Stairs
March Challenge 2013
Random decreasing function, Tourist Translations, Approximately, Fire Escape Routes
April Challenge 2013
Little Elephant and Music, Barcelona Gameplay Tactics, ChefGame, Kingdom Unity, Fault Tolerance, Maximum Weight Difference, Levy Conjecture, Cylinder
June Challenge 2013
Little Elephant and Mouses, Collecting Magical Berries, Dessert Wizard, Two k-Convex Polygons, Count Special Matrices, Predictopus, To challenge or not, W String, Lapindromes
June Cook-Off 2013
Attic Crossing, Lyra and the Alethiometer
July Challenge 2013
Galactik Football, The Probability Of Winning, Chef and Walking on the rectangle , Count K-Primes, Circle of death
July Cook-off 2013
Chopsticks, A Plus B Again!
August Challenge 2013
Little Elephant and Lemonade, Music & Lyrics, Hello Hello, Save The Princess, The Number Of Solutions, Chef and Segments, Deleting numbers, Prime Distance On Tree, Splitting Candies
September Challenge 2013
Little Elephant and Exams, Chef and Integers , Project Spoon, CAO Stage-1, CAO Stage-2
October Challenge 2013
Little Elephant and Bamboo, Helping Lira, Maxim and Dividers, Sereja and Transformation, CAO Stage-3, Yet Another Nice Girl
November Challenge 2013
Chef Game, Superpowers of 2, Yet Another Cute Girl, Sereja and Vectors, Uncle Johny, Square Digit Squares, Missing some chairs
November Cook-off 2013
Am I a Fibonacci Number, Number of Paths, Rank of the Number
December Challenge 2013
Chef and Codes, Funny Marbles, Magic Pairs, Reign, Rectangular Queries
December Cook-off 2013
Chef Goes Through Segments, Chef and Girlfriend
January Cook-off 2014
Chef and the Cake I
May Cook-Off 2014
Divide the Cake, Ups and Downs
June Cook-Off 2014
Counting Flags, Painting
February Challenge 2014
Little Elephant and Movies, Draughts, Make Him Happy, Chef and Favourite Sequence, Longest Common Pattern, Little Elephant and Subarrays, Colored Array, Make It Zero 2
March Challenge 2014
Team Split, Binary Tournament, Walk, Maximum number, GCD condition, Little Chef and Numbers, Mike and Stamps
April Challenge 2014
Sereja and Permutation, Counting Matrices, Farmer Feb, Cards, bags and coins, Chef and Digits, Divide the Tangerine, Shortest Path in Binary Trees
May Challenge 2014
Little Elephant and Balloons, Compilers and Parsers, Chef-jumping, Chef and Strange Matrix, Stone
July Challenge 2014
Garden Game, Chef and Frogs, Chef and Rectangle Genome, Count Substrings, Dish Owner
October Challenge 2014
Remy paints the fence, Sereja and two strings, Chef and Ground, Chef and Painting, Chef and Square, Magical Girl and Colored Liquid Potions, DevuLand, Dinosaurs and Laddus
February Challenge 2015
Chef and Chain, Time to Study Graphs with Chef, Chef and Strange Formula, Chef and Strings, Let us play with rank list, Chef and Equality
July Challenge 2015
Addition and Multiplication, Sereja and Game 2, Bread, MasterChef, Na2a and lucky stone, Chef and Cube, Rohith and Circles
September Challenge 2015
Filling the maze, 3D Queries, Chain of Doughnuts, Nikitosh and xor, Count Steps in Matrix, Bank robbery, Lighthouses, Cracking the Code
October Challenge 2015
Time measure, Count Subarrays, Who dares to be a millionaire
April Challenge 2016
Help Watson Escape, Chef and Ballons, Devu and good strings, Chef And Magical Path, Chef And Coloring